Name | Project | Thesis Director |
Labancová, Katarina (UNIGE) | N. Kazanina | |
Latreche, Kenza (UNIGE) | Identification of the mechanisms in the development of communication in children diagnosed with autism | Schaer, Marie |
Law, Rachel (UNIGE) | Imaging and boosting the functional integration of transplanted dopaminergic cells for Parkinson’s Disease cell replacement therapy | V. Zerbi |
Licata, Abigail (UNIGE) | It’s all just semantics: The impact of semantic similarity on neurocognitive mechanisms underlying conceptual representation in healthy bilinguals | V. Borghesani |
Lo Guidice, Quentin (UNIGE) | Transcriptional control of neuronal specification and axon guidance | D. Jabaudon & P. Favre |
Luo, Junlian (UNIL) | The Ebb and Flow of Human Brain Activity, Cognition, and Performance | D. Pascucci & M. Murray |
Maino, Emma (UNIGE) | D. Jabaudon | |
Mammeri, Kevin (UNIGE) | Imagery rescripting and targeted memory reactivation in insomnia disorder | L. Perogamvros |
Mannion, Kelly (UNIGE) | Understanding how variation in food intake and effort correlate with tool use in Bugoma Forest chimpanzees | Gruber, Thibaud |
Marca, Sandy (UNIGE) | A Neurophysiological Marker of Second Language Learning at the Individual Level | Laganaro, Marina & Reber, Thomas & Rothen, Nicolas |
Marchessaux, Florian | Role of D2R-dependent mesostriatal activity in impulsivity, novelty-seeking, and vulnerability to drug abuse | Ginovart, Nathalie |
Marchi, Nicola (UNIL) | Role of sleep-based biomarkers in the early detection of dementia | Draganski, Bogdan & Heinzer, Raphael |
Marti, Emilie (UNIGE) | Neuropsychological evidence for the reuse of cognitive core components of the motor system | Radek Ptak |
Masood, Anas (UNIGE) | Studying the neuronal mechanisms underlying decision-making in social games | El-Boustani, Sami |
Mauriello, Cheyenne (UNIL) | Relative temporal order memory abilities in Down syndrome, Williams syndrome and typical development. | P. Lavenex & P. Banta-Lavenex |
Menoud, Pauline (UNIL) | Cognitive neurorehabilitation of multiple sclerosis using gamified cognitive – physical dual task training | Sokolov, Arsenij |
Milanese, Paola (UNIL) | Monoaminergic signalization during sleep in mice and early-stage Alzheimer’s Disease alterations | A. Lüthi |
Milloz, Alicia (UNIGE) | High-Resolution Imaging of Coordinated Replay of Memory Episodes across Hippocampal and Cortical Circuits during Sleep | V. Sterpenich & S. Schwartz |
Mohammadi, Nosratullan (UNIGE) | Neural dynamics of overt and imagined speech | Giraud, Anne-Lise |
Monney, Jonathan (UNIGE) | Abnormal neuronal ensemble activity underlying epileptic seizures in the human brain | Mégevand, Pierre |
Monnor, Teerawat (UNIGE) | P. Ghisletta | |
Morais, Joao (UNIL) | Towards the neural underpinnings of sleep-mediated memory consolidation in a goal-directed sensory motor task in mice | A. Lüthi & L. Fernandez |
Morassut, Ilaria (UNIGE) | Molecular mechanisms of cortical development and circuit formation | Jabaudon, Denis |
Moser, Charlene (UNIL) | Neurorehabilitation of patients with brain lesions, using innovative tools like virtual reality | Sokolov, Arsenij |
Moulinier, Marie (UNIGE) | What is the role played by the claustrum in the communication between cortical areas? | Carleton, Alan |
Mousavi, Maryam (UNIL) | Investigating the effects of gut microbiota-derived metabolites on the blood brain barrier function and stroke outcome. | L. Hirt |
Müller, David (UNIL) | Behavioral and brain mechanisms underlying procedural and declarative learning | C. Thevenot & J. Prado |
Nguyen, Arthur (UNIGE) | The plasticity of Attentional Control | Daphne Bavelier |
Nguyen-Duc, Jasmine (UNIL) | FIREPATH in clinical dMRI | I. Jelescu |
Nickl, Peter (UNIGE) | A. Pouget | |
Nonni, Martina (UNIGE) | Comparing first and third person emotion experience: insights from cinema and VR | P. Vuilleumier |
Onay, Neslihan (UNIGE) | Effect of Emotion on Episodic Memory At Different Ages | U. Rimmele |
Orlando, Federica (UNIL) | Neuroprosthetic Interventions for autonomic dysfunctions in Neurological Diseases | J. Bloch & G. Courtine |
Padee, Anna (UNIFR) | Machine learning for predictive multi-modal markers of neuropsychiatric disorders | P. Missionier & J. Richiardi (CHUV) |
Pajot, Clémentine (UNIL) | Role of EphrinB3 in the excitability of POMC neurons and in the control of energy balance and glucose homeostasis | S. Croizier |
Panfilova, Diana (UNIL) | The role of lipid droplets in cellular identity | M. Knobloch |
Panzeri, Alessandra (UNIGE) | Investigating the role of Dopamine and Serotonin in the inter-individual variability in social motivation | Camilla Bellone |
Parapera Papantoniou, Lito (UNIL) | Consequences of social stress: from behavior to neurons and back | S. Tzanoulinou |
Patel, Jagruti (UNIL) | Discovering the connectome spectral signatures of behavior | Hagmann, Patric |
Patsourakos, Vasileios (UNIL) | Optogenetic Therapy for Peripheral Nerve Disorders (Optogenetic-PNS) | J. Bloch & T. Hutson |
Pavan, Tommaso (UNIL) | Biomarkers of Psychosis and Schizophrenia | Jelescu, Ileana |
Peithi, Amalia (UNIL) | Neuroanatomical investigation of hippocampus and amygdala structure in a mouse model of Williams syndrome | P. Lavenex & P. Banta-Lavenex |
Perrin, Florian (UNIL) | Consciousness and Central Autonomic Network In Humans | P. Ryvlin & M. De Lucia |
Petrova ,Teya (UNIL) | Brain dysconnectivity and cognitive impairment in early psychosis: interplay between nature and nurture | P. Klauser |
Piette, Theophane (UNIGE) | Can Dogs (Canis familiaris) and Baboons (Papio anubis) exhibit key linguistic and language-related neuronal mechanisms? | Giraud, Anne-Lise & Grandjean, Didier |
Piron, Nicolas (UNIGE) | Structuring Language: Hippocampal Contributions to Linguistic Processing | S, Schwartz & N. Kazanina |
Piotti, Andrea-Georgia (UNIL) | Neuroimmune communication in chronic pain: the role of EVs and miRNAs | M. Suter |
Pittet, Marie (UNIL) | Assessment and neurorehabilitation of deficits in social cognition following acquired brain damage | Sokolov, Arsenij |
Policet-Bétend, Heloise (UNIGE) | The neuronal pathways of cardiorespiratory interoception in the regulation of emotions | C. Lamy & Dr. Beaulieu |
Pourchet, Thomas (UNIGE) | Stimulations cérébrales non-invasives innovantes dans la réhabilitation chez le lombalgique chronique | Armand, Stéphane |
Provins, Céline (UNIL) | Uncovering the interplay of structure, function, and dynamics of brain connectivity using MRI | Hagmann, Patric & Esteban, Oscar |
Python, Laurena (UNIGE) | Neural bases of addiction | C. Luscher & A. Pouget |
Rebeaud, Jessica (UNIL) | The microbiota-gut-brain axis during CNS autoimmunity using multiple sclerosis murine models and an in vitro human blood-brain barrier model | Pot, Caroline |
Regazzi, Nicola (UNIL) | Single-cell atlas of spinal cord injury in zebrafish, rodents and primates | J. Bloch & G. Courtine |
Rémond-Derbez, Noëla (UNIL) | Neurotechnology to uncover dementia with Lewy bodies | G. Allali & F.Bernasconi |
Renard, Margot (UNIL) | Hypothalamic transcriptional dynamics underlying the control of puberty and reproduction | A. Messina & N. Pitteloud |
Rey, Alicia (UNIL) | The role of lipid metabolism in brain aging and disease | M. Knobloch |
Richard, Jeanne (UNIGE) | Affective and cognitive functioning in relation to food intake | D. Sander & G. Coppin |
Rimorini, Nina (UNIL) | Decoding imagination: Reading the mind’s eye | C. Berna Renella |
Rodriguez Peris, Laura (UNIGE) | Risk factors of addiction in females and the role of mGluR5 in compulsive behaviors | N. Ginovart |
Rothenfusser, Kaspar (UNIL) | Développement d’une technique de tomographie holographique pour l’exploration de la dynamique tridimensionnelle des cellules neurales à l’échelle nanométrique : perspectives pour l’identification de biomarqueurs cellulaires des troubles psychiques | Pierre Marquet |
Roulet, Margaux (UNIL) | bEAR: brain Electrical Auditory Restoration Development of a personalized and biomimetic cortical prosthesis to restore hearing | L. Anschütz & A. Troillet |
Rutz, Dionys (UNIL) | The new Model of Digital Neurorehabilitation along the Continuum of Care | A. Serino |