Please read the individual course descriptions for registration modalities and access to course materials. Please note: – Events with no dates or “tba” have no schedule announced for the moment …If a semester is indicated, the course will be available again soon … – PhD candidates are also strongly encouraged to participate in local journal clubs and seminar series – Information on credit validation and more course offers can be found HERE
EPFL-EDNE courses: LNDS PhD students can basically attend most courses of the EPFL PhD program in neuroscience (EDNE). To inquire about free spots in classes, please first write to the EDNE coordinator ( from your work mail address (with the LN coordinator in copy). You will then receive a link towards the online registration platform of EPFL (have a scan of your PhD student card ready to attach if needed). Participation to EPFL courses is free for LNDS candidates. Once you successfully finished a course, please send the EPFL credit transcript from IS-Academia (“Statement of results” > “Auditor plan” to the LNDS coordinator for credit validation .
Other EPFL PhD courses: Please contact the LNDS coordinator to ask for credit validation before choosing a given course, and to be re-directed to the EPFL program coordinator in charge. If your wish can be granted, please fill the “external auditor form” and send it to “” together with a scan of your PhD student card.
The CUSO (Conférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale) offers a range of courses on research-related soft skills (e.g. scientific writing). Moreover, several doctoral programs provide courses on statistics, research and analysis methods, for example:
Each LNDS student can participate to these courses, but you need to create a CUSO login for registration. Please provide the LNDS coordinator with your course certificate and a course link for credit validation.
Workshop and courses offers open to doctoral candidates from other programs; please contact LNDS coodinator. Several stats workshops …