If you are interested in enrolling in the LN Doctoral School, please follow these steps:
- Find a laboratory associated with the LNDS or part of the NeuroLéman Network (*).
- Define a thesis project with your thesis director.
- Register as a doctoral student at the university where your project will take place.
- The Scientific Committee of the Doctoral School will review your application and let you know if you have been accepted into the program.
(*) Students working in laboratories at the EPFL must enroll at the EPFL Doctoral School in Neuroscience (EPFL-EDNE School ).
Note: MD-PhD candidates or PhD candidates with a medical study background who also want to obtain an MD title please contact the LNDS coordinator for guidance before enrolling to your host university!
Details on the university admission and doctoral school enrollment can be found in the linked documents below. In most cases, the PhD candidate will apply for admission in the faculty of attachment of her/his thesis director. Please make that your thesis director is indeed eligible as such within her/his particular faculty (e.g. holds a position as professor or MER) ***
- UNIGE: Admission and enrollment procedures
- UNIL: Admission and enrollment procedures
- UNIFR: Please follow point 1 of the UNIGE or UNIL procedure above, but follow the UNIFR admission procedure for your faculty of attachment. The UNIFR is a bit apart .. please contact the LNDS coordinator for questions ….
*** For prospective FPSE students @ UNIGE: Please fill and submit the “Thesis attestation” (Encadrement de thèse) with the FPSE header during the application process. Should a co-direction be foreseen, please use the co-direction form to indicate both supervisors.
*** For prospective MED or SCI students @ UNIGE: Please fill and submit the “Thesis attestation” (Encadrement de thèse), with the logo of the respective faculty of attachment during the application process
Your prospective faculty of attachment will be communicated in the LNDS acceptance letter you will receive (by default, this is the host faculty of your thesis director).