Our seminars and events with remote participation possible are listed on WorldWideNeuro.
List of NeuroLeman seminar organizers
Title | Location |
EPFL Neuro Seminars | EPFL |
CNP (Center for NeuroProstethics) seminars | EPFL |
EPFL Life Science Seminars | EPFL |
Geneva University Neurocenter seminars (For Campus Biotech seminars visitors should report to the reception desk to enter the building) | Geneva |
CMU seminars | Geneva |
Clinical Neuroscience Department | Geneva |
FPSE seminars | Geneva |
NCCR Affective Sciences seminars | Geneva |
CIBM Breakfast & Science seminars | Geneva & Lausanne |
SYNAPSY Happy Hours | Geneva & Lausanne |
CHUV Clinical Neuroscience seminars | Lausanne |
CHUV Psychiatry Seminars | Lausanne |
DNF seminars | Lausanne |
Lausanne Neuroscience seminars | Lausanne |
UNIL-FBM various seminar series | Lausanne |
Neurobiology seminars of the Faculty of Medicine | Fribourg |
LunchTime Seminars of the Psychology Department | Fribourg |
International webinar sources
- ERN-RND provides educational webinars on rare neurological and neuromuscular diseases – in collaboration with the European Reference Network for Rare Neuromuscular Diseases (EURO-NMD ) and the European Academy of Neurology (EAN ).
- The LabRoots series of virtual events focuses on leading topics in life science and clinical diagnostics, offering a worldwide platform to learn and connect (live and on demand). Direct link to webinars page can be found here .
- InsideScientific is an online environment built for life science researchers hosting (neuroscience) webinars, workshops and other resources.
- Society for neuroscience (SfN) neuronline platform with event recordings and interviews to discover the latest insights on topics ranging from animal research and impostor syndrome to productive collaborations and leadership in the lab.
- The Transcontinental Computational Psychiatry Workgroup (TCPW) organizes a monthly web-based meeting and a computational psychiatry satellite meeting with the Society of Biological Psychiatry. They hope to foster discussion and exchange between those involved in computational psychiatry—a rapidly growing, highly multidisciplinary field.
- FENS website for online resources like seminars, courses and summer schools etc.: a collection of many offers organized by FENS but also other parties
- WorldWideNeuro – a huge variety of neuroscience seminars held around the world! You can join, invite speakers and organise online seminars, host on any teleconferencing platform (Zoom, Crowdcast, etc) and advertise your event, via the website and the mailing list.
- World-Wide Theoretical Neuroscience Seminars (WWTNS) is a weekly digital seminar on Zoom targeting the theoretical neuroscience community. Its aim is to be a platform to exchange ideas among theoreticians. Speakers have the occasion to talk about theoretical aspects of their work which cannot be discussed in a setting where the majority of the audience consists of experimentalists.
- WorldWidePsychology – a subsection of the WW seminars, also listing more philosophical seminars and talks