Research & Training in the NeuroLéman Network

The NeuroLéman Network – established in Spring 2018 – brings together neuroscientists and clinicians from the Lac Léman (Lake Geneva) region from all fields of neuroscience within and across universities and disciplines. Our members are faculty members and group leaders at the EPFL , the Universities of Lausanne (UNIL), Geneva (UNIGE ), and Fribourg (UNIFR ), as well as of the University Hospitals of Lausanne (CHUV ) and Geneva (HUG ). Our members are neurobiologists, neuroengineers, computational and theoretical neuroscientists, neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists.

Our overarching goal is to promote innovative and interdisciplinary research to better understand brain function in health and disease. Building upon the rich and diverse neuroscience environment of the Lac Léman region, we aim to further progress in both basic and clinical neuroscience in and between our member institutes. Our network serves as a platform for the open exchange of research and ideas, and acts as a catalyst for new collaborations.

Central to this effort, our network promotes excellence in the education of students and postdocs. We support three neuroscience doctoral programs (EDNE , EDBB and LNDS) and provide many possibilities for training and scientific exchange through organizing national and international workshops and symposia.

The NeuroLéman research community consists of more than 120 PI’s and research groups. Labs currently associated with the Lemanic Neuroscience Doctoral School (LNDS) can be found here.

According to the influential journal “Science”, the Lake Geneva region is considered to be the third most important European training centers for neuroscience, closely following Oxford and Cambridge in the UK.

Neuroscience training in the Lemanic region

PhD Programs in Neuroscience

More than 250 doctoral students are enrolled n the doctoral programs in neuroscience in the Lemanic area.

 The Lemanic Neuroscience Doctoral School (LNDS) of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne

Master Programs in Neuroscience

The Master of Science (MSc) programs at the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne, as well at the EPFL, offer many introductory courses in Neuroscience. Master level courses are also open to doctoral students who need or want to improve their competences in a certain field.