Postdoc position UNIFR/UNIGE (06/2024)

Unit of Clinical and Health Psychology, Department of Psychology
Rate of activity: 70-80%
Start: 01.09.2024
Contract type: 3 years contract
Place of work: Department of Psychology, University Fribourg and University of Geneva, Department
of Neuroscience & Swiss Center for Affective Sciences
The Clinical and Health Psychology Unit of the University of Fribourg is involved in university teaching activities
at Bachelor, Master and post-graduate level, in research activities and in clinical activities. We are looking for a
post-doc who will be working in the RESIST-D project, funded by ERA-NET Neuron that investigates the
consequences of childhood trauma on neuronal responses to reward and stress and includes 6 European
research groups (see, for more information). The project is
coordinated by Prof. Dr. Chantal Martin Soelch in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Patrik Vuilleumier.
