Courses and Credits

General information about courses and how to register
The courses listed under the links above offer a pluri-disciplinary education in all fields of neuroscience and help you to acquire complementary skills important for, e.g. project management or outreach activities, too. PhD candidates without a study background in neuroscience or biomedical sciences are especially encouraged to also follow Msc courses to complement their training (please also see here and below).

Information about credit validation can be found here.
  • Courses listed are given in English if nothing else is indicated.
  • Course dates are constantly updated. For courses with so far unknown dates the respective column is empty or only gives an indication of the foreseen period. Please keep visiting the website to learn about new propositions and registration deadlines. Please note that it is often possible to participate in LNDS-external courses/events and validate credits or seminar sheet entries. In case of questions, contact the LNDS coordinator.
  • Course registration: Please see the modalities for each course category as rgesitartion pipeline differs depending on the entity organizing a course.
  • Course and event locations: Please see here for course locations in Lausanne and Geneva. The link also takes you a public calendar with talks and conferences in various Lemanic research institutions.

Introductory Neuroscience Materials

Introductory neuroscience reading materials are available for students who have to (or want to) complement their study background and/or were asked to attend Master courses in neuroscience in their LNDS acceptance letter.
Suggestions regarding additions are always welcome!

The reading materials are accessible in the LNDS Moodle e-learning system:
Go to ““.
• Log in with your institutional/university address.
• Choose on “Faculté de Biologie et de Médecine” > “Ecole doctorale / doctoral school” > “Lemanic Neuroscience Doctoral School”.
• Materials are stored under “Introductory Neuroscience Tutorial”. Please use the self-enrollment method.

Some other online learning ressources for neuroscience beginners: