LNDS reimbursement procedures

General points

LNDS students can get reimbursed for traveling between Geneva, Lausanne and Fribourg to attend doctoral and master courses approved by the school. To get reimbursed, you would need to attend at least 80% of courses, including the exam. The procedure is rather complex and differs on the university you are enrolled in. Please read below the section related to the university you are enrolled in.

All LNDS students applying for reimbursement for using public transport to courses, please keep in mind the following points:

  • If you don’t have a Swisspass with half-price option (Démi-abonnenment) please consider getting one.
  • Eventually, UNIGE and UNIL students with an AG card can get reimbursed for the half-price fare when taking LNDS COURSES only. Send a copy of your AG card to the LNDS coordinator together with the form here , and specify the price of your trip with a half-price fare.
  • When you need both train & bus/metro/tram: Buy a City-Ticket; easier and cheaper.
  • Only ticket ORIGINALS (if no e-tickets purchased) are accepted by financial service of the universities, no copies, no scans! Glue or tape them on A4 pages before sending. Please do not use staples.
    • for train tickets bought via the CFF app: Log in to sbb.ch/en/buying , all tickets are listed under “Orders”. Display the desired tickets in PDF format by clicking “Select” and print by clicking “Print”.
  • If the only way you can attend a course is driving your car, please e-mail the LN coordinator explaining the reasons. You will then get reimbursed for the equivalent of the train half-price fare. Please use the form here (irrespective of the university you are enrolled in), and specify the equivalent price of your trip with a half-price fare.
  • Most courses have attendance lists; either ask the teacher for a signature on your reimbursement form to prove your regular course participation or the LNDS coordinator (who usually gets these lists after a course is over).
  • Send your tickets max. 2 months after your trip. No later; you risk that the university financial services do not accept your reimbursement demand anymore!

Reimbursement procedure for UNIL and UNIFR students

Send your ticket originals, proofs etc. together with the filled and signed reimbursement form (incl. the name of the course you attended) to
>>> Ulrike Toepel, Doctoral School, UNIL-Sorge, Office POL 316, , 1015 Lausanne
>>> or by e-mail if you have e-tickets to reimburse, but please still put your signature on the reimbursement sheet!

Reimbursement procedure for UNIGE students

For UNIGE students, filing for reimbursement is now supported by an online platform of the UNIGE financial service , please follow the steps here:

  • go to https://wwwi.intranet.unige.ch/compta/rmbf/DmdSaisie/home (optimized for Mozilla Firefox; only available via the intranet)
  • log in with your UNIGE credentials
  • create “une nouvelle demande” for “deplacements”
  • Beneficiaire: “Your name” (mandatory)
  • Validateur/Verificateur: “Mona Spiridon” (mandatory)
  • Titulaire du fonds: Daniel Huber (always the boss of the Geneva Neuroscience Center)
  • Approbateur: Daniel Huber
  • Type de demande: “Deplacement”
  • Prestations remboursées: “LNDS course travel” (or LNDS travel grant, if applicable)
  • Connaissez-vous le numero du fonds ? “Non”
  • Code d ‘imputation: Ask the LNDS coordinator (indicating the name of the course you attended)

Once your reimbursement has been approved by Mona Spiridon, send the ticket originals with the approved version of your request to the Service de comptabilité, Uni Dufour (Université de Genève – Uni Dufour, Rue Général-Dufour 24, CH-1211 Genève 4).

Please also send an e-mail to the LNDS Coordinator indicating the amount requested and the courses attended.

A manual (in French) for the online platform can be found under the link here.