Wildhorn earthquake swarm update

Updated information and figure on the Wildhorn seismic swarm will appear in this post.

Nov. 19. 17h48: Decreasing activity over the past days; many micro-events detected by the SED down to magnitude -2.

Nov. 15. 16h45: No earthquake in the past 24 hours, but it would be too early to say the swarm stopped.

Nov. 13. 09h48: Another slightly felt event yesterday afternoon; the swarm continues.

Nov. 12. 09h32: A new felt event last night, and further smaller events.

Nov. 11. 09h48, 18:23: Small events, not felt by the population, continue to occur.

Nov. 9. 11h30: The sequence continues, without new felt event since the previous update. See SED situation report here.

Nov. 8. 09h24: The sequence continues, with new felt events last night.

Earthquake swarm near Wildhorn-Sanetschpass, Valais

An unusual earthquake swarm is ongoing since Tuesday morning, beneath the south flank of Mount Wildhorn and towards the West to Sanetschpass, in the canton of Valais. It is unusual as more than a dozen of felt events have been recorded so far in just two days, amongst over 150 in total. However, the Gutenberg-Richter b-value of the swarm seems to be a common value.

Below is a time evolution figure of the earthquakes and their magnitudes. The released energy overall is equivalent to a magnitude 3.6 earthquake so far. The swarm cannot be considered to be finished as of now. Updates will follow on the SED website as well as here.

Les séismes dans les Alpes vaudoises

L’exposition inAlpe de l’Université de Lausanne vise à disséminer la culture scientifique dans les Alpes vaudoises. Une partie de l’exposition est installée le long des sentiers de randonnées, et accessible par un code QR dans l’application gratuite Cultural Network.

Une thématique traite les tremblements de terre dans les Alpes vaudoises. Vous pouvez la trouver au panneau 6 près de Leysin (co-ordonnées 567703, 133819), ou en scannant le code QR ci-dessous (et puis, dans une représentation moins jolie, ici).


Project OROG3NY extended

In its fourth year, project OROG3NY was evaluated, together with a proposal to extend it for further two years.

The Swiss National Science Foundation has recently brought a favourable decision, which means that the project is granted to continue running in 2020-2021. This is great news and we look forward to the forthcoming project activities!