DIVE DT-1A at 315 m depth and on a break

The second project DIVE borehole, located in Megolo, is now at 315.3 m depth below surface, and prepared for a pause over the year end break. One of the last cores was a beautifully recovered 3-m-long piece of metagabbro, standing with two “columnar” (~stalwart) members of the project on the photo below. Other photos and daily news can be followed here; on-site activities are planned to resume in January 2024.

Uncertainty around an earthquake swarm in Hungary

“In August 2023, a series of earthquakes unprecedented in the Great Hungarian Plain began near the town of Szarvas. Several newspaper articles have made certain or almost certain claims about the events. However, understanding such a swarm of earthquakes requires much more data, geophysical modelling, and considerable research time. For this reason, and on the basis of what we know today, the probability of the earthquakes around Szarvas being related to human activity cannot be established with certainty.”

This is the English abstract of a study which appeared in Hungarian in the journal Magyar Tudomány (=Hungarian Science), available here.