In the first two weeks of September, we carried out a gravimetry campaign together with Théo Berthet in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone. After surmounting some obstacles and during the >100 stops along the >3000 km journey, we could (sometimes) enjoy the scenery as well:
Gravimeter calibration campaign
Even the finest instruments need calibration! For this purpose, Matteo Scarponi has joined a team lead by swisstopo to calibrate UNIL’s CG-5 relative gravimeter on the Interlaken-Jungfraujoch line. The weather was ideal for the survey…
The 2018 Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet worskhop in Lausanne
We are happy to announce that the 33rd HKT workshop will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland, from September 10th to 12th, 2018. Further news will appear with time on the conference website:
We look forward to see you at the meeting and at the pre-conference field-trip in the Alps!
TIDES Advanced Training School
Leonardo Colavitti and Matteo Scarponi will participate to an Advanced Training School “Seismic Tomography: from data analysis to inversion, results, and uncertainty estimates” organised by TIDES (TIme DEpendent Seismology) that will be held in Oxford, UK from 10 to 14 July 2017. At this link you can find the detailed programme of the School.
Our planned contributions consist of two posters:
- Colavitti L, Hetényi G: Towards a new method to develop a 3-D shear-wave velocity model from converted waves.
- Scarponi M, Hetényi G, IvreaArray Working Group: High-resolution imaging of the Ivrea Geophysical Body: A receiver function and gravity approach.
IvreaArray installed
In a week-long field effort, 7 researchers from Uni. Lausanne, IG Prague and INGV Genova have installed IvreaArray, a 10-station broadband seismological array in NE Italy. The station spacing is ca. 5 km along a West-East line, and operation is foreseen for 1 year.
Sarah Incel visiting
Sarah Incel from ENS Paris will be visiting us on 6-7th July. She will give a seminar on Experimental constraints on rheology during eclogite-facies metamorphic reactions, on Thursday 6th at 16:15 in Géopolis-1628. Everyone interested in rock physics, lab experiments, petrology, dehydration reactions (and more) is welcome!
Outreach article in Bhutanese newspaper “Kuensel”
Seven years have passed since a small team from Switzerland and France went to Bhutan for the first time to carry out geophysical measurements, in collaboration with the Department of Geology and Mines in Thimphu. Our first, smaller campaign triggered two, multi-year national projects, one in each of the European partner countries. In 2017 both projects end, and related scientific results are published.
To reach out to the general public in Bhutan, the project PIs wrote a summary which appeared in today’s issue of Kuensel, the most read Bhutanese newspaper: What we have learnt about Bhutan earthquakes in recent years [PDF].
Field season started
With the Summer the fieldwork season has started (at least on the Northern hemisphere). To warm up slowly, the first destination was Norway where Celso, Kristel and Benjamin Malvoisin have worked with Håkon Austrheim on eclogitization.
Bhutan seismotectonics paper online
SNSF Scientific Image Competition
The SNSF has organized a scientific image competition in various categories (Object of study; Men and women in science; Locations and instruments; Video-loop). Most entries are displayed now online here. György Hetényi has sent in two pictures, one about “Near real-time reporting“, and one about “When the research result smiles at you“. The competition winners (not shown online) are announced tonight at the Biel Festival of Photography.