Next week we will be attending the EGU General Assembly in Vienna. Here is a list of our planned contributions:
- Monday, 14:45 (room D3): Diehl T, Singer J, Hetényi G, Grujic D, Clinton J, Giardini D, Kissling E: Evidence for segmentation of the Eastern Himalayas and link to foreland deformation
- Tuesday 8:30-12:00 (room G1): Session TS7.7/SM6.13: The Alps and neigbouring mountain belts: a multidisciplinary vision (AlpArray)
- Tuesday 13:30-15:00 (room 2.83): AlpArray Gravity Working Group meeting
- Tuesday 15:30-17:00 (room 0.15): AlpArray meeting
- Tuesday, poster X2.233: Hetényi G, Molinari I, Clinton J, Kissling E, AlpArray Seismic Network Core Group: The AlpArray Seismic Network: status and operation
- Tuesday, poster X2.234: Hetényi G, Bianchi I, Plomerová J, Kampfová Exnerová H, AlpArray-EASI Working Group, The interaction between the Adria and Europe plates at their boundary in the Eastern Alps (project EASI)
- Tuesday, poster X2.236: Molinari I, Obermann A, Kissling E, Hetényi G, AlpArray-EASI Working Group: The 3D crustal structure of Eastern Alps and Bohemian Massif revealed by ambient noise surface wave tomography
- Tuesday, poster X2.370: Chanard K, Hetényi G, Baumgartner L, Licul A, Herman F: Constraining eclogitization kinetics at large scale: the Indian lower crust
- Tuesday, poster X3.26: Alvizuri C, Silwal V, Krischer L, Tape C: Estimation of full moment tensors, including uncertainties, for earthquakes, volcanic events, and nuclear explosions
- Friday, poster X3.23: Colavitti L, Hetényi G: Towards a new tool to develop a 3-D shear-wave velocity model from converted waves
- Friday, poster X2.142: Herman F, Deal E, Braun J, Chanard K, de Anna P, Stalder N: Extracting an unbiased erosion history of glacial landscapes