Valais rock stand at the CPPS completed

The new rock stand featuring typical rocks from the Valais (and therefore the Alps) is cow completed and can be visited at the CPPS (“Centre Pédagogique pour la Prévention des Séismes”) in Sion. Many thanks to Guillaume Antonioli, Nikhil Sharma, Jean-Luc Epard, and all sample contributors!

Photo from Anne Sauron (CPPS)

Earthquake in Switzerland & interview

Following the largest earthquake in Switzerland since in the past 12 years (magnitude 4.6) on Monday, in the Helvetic Nappes around the cantons Uri, Schwyz and Glarus, RTS Couleur 3 made an interview with György Hetényi about seismicity in Switzerland and in general. You can listen to it here (musical break from 3’00” to 5’15”).

Radio interview (Klubrádió)

Following a public outreach presentation on geoscience research in the Himalaya at the Hungary-Bhutan Friendship Society, György Hetényi was interviewed in the radio station Klubrádió‘s evening talk emission Dobszerda.

If you are interested and understand Hungarian, you can listen to it here:

[starting from 8’01”], followed by here:

[to 1’33” and from 3’20” to 24’10”].

AGU 2016

The American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting takes place this week in San Francisco. From our team Kristel Chanard is present and will give a presentation on Wednesday on her recent results:

Chanard K, Hetényi G, Baumgartner L. Licul A, Herman F (2016) Constraints on the extent and kinetics of eclogitization processes in the Indian lower crust. AGU Fall Meeting S43B-07.

Note that the meeting will move to New Orleans in 2017 and to Washington DC in 2018.

Thomas Bodin visiting

On Friday, November 25th Thomas Bodin from ENS Lyon will be our guest. He will first act as an external referee in Leonardo Colavitti’s PhD Proposal Defence; then at 15h in room 3799 he will give a seminar on Transdimensional Inference in the Geosciences. All are welcome!

14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting coming up

We will be at the 14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting on November 18-19 in Geneva.

All of us will have posters on Saturday:

  • Colavitti L, Hetényi G: 3-D shear-wave velocity model of the Central Alps using converted waves
  • Chanard K, Hetényi G, Baumgartner L, Licul A, Herman F: Constraints on the extent and kinetics of eclogitization processes in the Indian lower crust
  • Hetényi G, Le Roux-Mallouf R, Berthet T, Cattin R, Cauzzi C, Phuntsho K, Grolimund R: Mind the (seismic) gap: the 1714 Bhutan earthquake

Historical Bhutan earthquake in 1714

With the help of several historical documents as well as two geological sites studied with paleoseismological methods, we could constrain a hitherto unclear earthquake in the Himalaya. The results reveal that the 1714 earthquake occurred in Bhutan, and that it was a major event with a magnitude of 7.5-8.5. For details see our paper published in Geophysical Research Letters here.

Outreach: AGU, ScienceFGSE, Kuensel and Planeterde, followed by other portals.