AlpArray Seismic Network paper and press release

The paper describing the AlpArray Seismic Network is  now published in Surveys in Geophysics (open access).

On this occasion the Swiss National Science Foundation has issued a press release, which you can read here in English, German and French.

Subsequent media appearances:

Journées Biennales

Next week will be the “Journées Biennales des Géosciences et de l’Environnement” at UNIL. It is a French-speaking event to bring together academic, governmental and private research on the broad topic of Earth sciences. On Wednesday the 14th of February will be the session La recherche fondamentale et appliquée en géologie. On Thursday will be held the 3rd meeting day of natural dangers, running under the title “Au-delà de l’aléa”, ou comment proposer une gestion intégrée des risques naturels?

AGU 2017 Fall Meeting

The 2017 Fall Meeting of the AGU is taking place this week in New Orleans. Our group member’s contributions:

  • Alvizuri CR, Hetényi G (S43B-0843) Seismic full moment tensors for events in the Indian lower crust beneath the Himalayas and their relevance to eclogitization
  • Alvizuri CR, Tape C (S43H-2965) Full moment tensors with uncertainties for the 2017 North Korea declared nuclear test and for a collocated, subsequent event
  • Tape C, Alvizuri CR, Silwal V, Tape W (S44B-01) Uncertainties for seismic moment tensors and applications to nuclear explosions, volcanic events, and earthquakes
  • Colavitti L, Hetényi G (S51D-0633) Towards a new technique to construct a 3D shear-wave velocity model based on converted waves
  • Pilet S, Müntener O, Duretz T, Hetényi G (V43G-07) Evidence for refertilization of the Pacific plate: implications for the seismic and geochemical properties of the oceanic lithosphere
  • Hetényi G, Pistone M, Nabelek PI, Baumgartner LP (V24B-02) South-Tibetan partially molten batholiths: geophysical characterization and petrological assessment of their origin