Bertelsmeier, C., Avril, A., Blight, O., Confais, A., Diez, L., Jourdan, H., Orivel, J., Saint Germès, N. and Courchamp, F., 2015. Different behavioural strategies among seven highly invasive ant species. Biological invasions, 17(8), pp.2491-2503. Link
Bertelsmeier, C., Luque, G.M., Hoffmann, B.D. and Courchamp, F., 2015. Worldwide ant invasions under climate change. Biodiversity and conservation, 24(1), pp.117-128. Link
Bertelsmeier, C. and Courchamp, F., 2014. Future ant invasions in France. Environmental conservation, 41(2), pp.217-228. Link
Luque, G.M., Bellard, C., Bertelsmeier, C., Bonnaud, E., Genovesi, P., Simberloff, D. and Courchamp, F., 2014. The 100th of the world’s worst invasive alien species. Biological invasions, 16(5), pp.981-985. Link
Braby, M.F., Bertelsmeier, C., Sanderson, C. and Thistleton, B.M., 2014. Spatial distribution and range expansion of the Tawny Coster butterfly, Acraea terpsicore (Linnaeus, 1758)(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), in South‐East Asia and Australia. Insect conservation and diversity, 7(2), pp.132-143. Link
Bertelsmeier, C., 2013. Biologie des invasions de fourmis dans un contexte de changement climatique (Doctoral dissertation, Paris 11).
Bertelsmeier, C., Luque, G.M. and Courchamp, F., 2013. Increase in quantity and quality of suitable areas for invasive species as climate changes. Conservation Biology, 27(6), pp.1458-1467. Link
Bertelsmeier, C., Luque, G.M. and Courchamp, F., 2013. The impact of climate change changes over time. Biological Conservation, 167, pp.107-115. Link
Bertelsmeier, C., Guenard, B. and Courchamp, F., 2013. Climate change may boost the invasion of the Asian needle ant. PLoS One, 8(10). Link
Bertelsmeier, C., Luque, G.M. and Courchamp, F., 2013. Global warming may freeze the invasion of big-headed ants. Biological Invasions, 15(7), pp.1561-1572. Link
Bertelsmeier, C., Luque, G.M., Confais, A. and Courchamp, F., 2013. Antprofiler-a database of ecological characteristics of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News, (18), pp.73-76. Link
Bellard, C., Bertelsmeier, C., Leadley, P., Thuiller, W. and Courchamp, F., 2012. Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity. Ecology Letters, 15(4), pp.365-377. Link