Dr. Jerome MW Gippet


I am interested in understanding and predicting how human activities drive current changes in distributions of plant and animal species. 

During my PhD, I studied the consequences of urbanisation on the spatial distribution of native and invasive ant species, the impact of human-mediated dispersal on the regional spread of the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus, and intraspecific variations among urban and rural populations of the urban-tolerant ant Lasius niger.

Since 2017, I am focussing on human-mediated dispersal. I aim to develop theoretical and modelling approaches to better understand the mechanisms involved in both accidental and intentional translocations of species at different spatial scales.

Did you know that ants make great pets?

Over 500 ant species can be purchased online!!!

In a recent paper, I documented this emerging pet trade for the first time and used it as a model system to show that invasive species are favored in the pet trade, probably because they have ecological characteristics that increase their commercial success (read more about it here).

But even if the digital revolution facilitated the collection of data on emerging pet trades (most sellers have an online catalogue), it is still difficult and time-consuming to record traded species.

With billions of internet users posting online daily, social media could be a powerful surveillance tool. But it is unknown how reliably social media can track the global pet trade. We tested whether Instagram data predicted the geographic distribution of pet stores and the taxonomic composition of traded species in the emerging pet trade in ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). The results are quite encouraging.

Contact Jerome

Office room: 2108.1
Phone: +4121 692 4193
jerome.gippet {AT} unil.ch

Languages: French, English and Spanish


2019- presentPostdoc researcher – University of Lausanne, Department of Ecology and Evolution
Adviser: Dr. Cleo Bertelsmeier
2013-2016Ph. D. – University of Lyon, LEHNA (UMR5023)
“Patterns of distribution, human-mediated dispersal and intraspecific variations in urbanized landscapes: Responses of ants to urbanization”
Advisers: Dr. Nathalie MONDY and Dr. Bernard KAUFMANN
2011-2013M.S. – Ecology, Evolution, Biometry, University of Lyon
2007-2011Biology of Organisms and Populations, University of Lyon