Dr. Tongyi Liu

I joined the research group in February 2024, with a focus on human-mediated dispersal. I am currently working on understanding the role of globalization in the worldwide spread of invasive ant and insect species. I aim to dissect the specific types of trade responsible for transporting different taxa of invasive species across global scales using a combination of statistical and process-based models. I am also interested in the impact of ancient’ globalization such as the Silk Road on the eco-evolutionary dynamics and spatio-temporal patterns of biological invasions.

Contact Tongyi

Office Room: 2205


2024-presentPostdoc researcher – University of Lausanne, Department of Ecology and Evolution
Adviser: Prof. Cleo Bertelsmeier
2017-2023Ph.D. – Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Adviser: Prof. Gexia Qiao
2013-2017B.S. – College of Life Sciences, Henan Normal University, China