Aymeric Bonnamour

The aim of my PhD is to improve our understanding of the impact of globalisation on the spatial and temporal dynamics of biological invasions. I am focusing on how socio-economic processes have influenced the spread of alien insects and plants over the past centuries, using data analysis and modelling approaches. I am currently investigating how colonial empires have shaped the spread of alien species. I am also interested in understanding how alien plant introduction can promote insect invasions.

Contact Aymeric

Office room: 2108.1
Phone: +4121 692 4193
Fax: +4121 692 4165



2020 -PresentPhD in Cleo Bertelsmeier’s group, University of Lausanne
2018-2020MSc in Bioinformatics, University of Lyon.
Combining population genetics and computer simulations to understand how humans spread invasive species at regional scale. Supervised by Bernard Kaufmann, Charles
Rocabert, Jérôme Gippet and Serge Fenet, University of Lyon.
Assessing the temporal and spatial dynamics of biological invasions in the era of globalization. Supervised by Cleo Bertelsmeier and Jérôme Gippet, University of
2015-2018BSc in Biologie and Biochemistry, University of Lyon