
See Google Scholar for details

Bellow are the publications of the Bertelsmeier lab. Team members are highlighted in bold.


Bertelsmeier, C., Bates. O. (2024) Ant invasions under climate change (chapter in: Ant responses to climate change: from individuals to ecosystem services), Eds. Inara R. Leal, Fernanda M. P. Oliveira, Xavier Arnan and Alan Andersen, Springer, in press.

Fenn-Moltu, G., Liebhold, A., Weber, D., Bertelsmeier, C. (2024) Pathways for accidental biocontrol: the human-mediated dispersal of insect predators and parasitoids. Ecological Applications, in press.

Bujan, J., Bertelsmeier, C., Ješovnik, A. (2024) Insects in urban parks face stronger selection pressure from the cold than the heat. Ecology and Evolution, 14, 1-9. Link.

Yamanaka, T., Turner, R.M., Bertelsmeier, C., Blake, R.E., Brockerhoff, E.G., Nahrung, H., Pureswaran, D.S., Roques, A., Seebens, H., Liebhold, A. (2024) International imports and climate filtering drive compositional variation in non-native insect establishments. Diversity and Distributions, 30, e13844. Link.

Kemppinen, J., Lembrechts, J., Van Meerbeck, K., (…), Bates,O., Bertelsmeier, C., (…), De Frenne, P. (2024) Microclimate, an inseparable part of ecology and biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33, e13834, Link.

Aulus-Giacosa, L., Ollier, S., Bertelsmeier, C. (2024) Non-native ants are breaking down biogeographic boundaries and homogenizing community assemblages. Nature Communications 15, 2266 . Link


Isitt, R., Liebhold, A.M., Turner, R.M., Battisti, A., Bertelsmeier, C., Blake, R., Brockerhoff, E.G., Heard, S.B., Krokene, P., Økland, B., Nahrung, H.F., Rassati, D., Roques, A., Yamanaka, T., Pureswaran, D.S. (2023). Asymmetrical insect invasions between three world regions. NeoBiota90, 35-51. Link.

Aulus-Giacosa, L., Bates, O.K., Bonnamour, A., Bujan, J., Gippet, J., Fenn-Moltu, G., Klaftenberger, T., Bertelsmeier, C. (2023) Effects of Climate Change on Insect Distributions and Invasions. “Effects of Climate Change on Insects”. Oxford University Press. Link

Fenn-Moltu, G., Ollier, S., Bates, O., Liebhold, A.M., Nahrung, H.F., Puereswaran, D., Yamanaka, T. Bertelsmeier, C.(2023) Global flows of insect transport and establishment: the role of biogeography, trade and regulations. Diversity and Distributions, 29, 1478-1491. Link.

Bonnamour A., Blake R.E., Liebhold A.M., Nahrung H.F., Roques A., Turner R.M., Yamanaka T., Bertelsmeier, C. (2023) Historical plant introductions predict current insect invasions. PNAS, 120, e2221826120. Link.

Bertelsmeier, C. (2023) Biological invasions: the secret domination of ants. Current Biology, 33, R410-413. Link.

Gippet, J., Sherpa, Z., Bertelsmeier, C. (2023) Reliability of social media data in monitoring the global pet trade in ants. Conservation Biology, e13994. Link.

Fenn-Moltu, G., Ollier, S., Liebhold. A.M., Nahrung, H., Puereswaran, D., Turner, R., Yamenaka, T., Bertelsmeier, C. (2023) Alien insect dispersal mediated by the global movement of commodities. Ecological Applications, 1, e2721. Link.

Mwebaze, P., Liebhold, A., Bertelsmeier, C., Kellenberg, D., Bates, O., Springborn, M.R. (2023) The role of climatic similarity and bridgehead effects in two centuries of trade-driven global ant invasions. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2, 515-530. Link.


Ollier, S. & Bertelsmeier, C. (2022) Precise knowledge of commodity trade is needed to understand invasion flows. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20, 467-473. Link.

Mally, R., Turner, R., Blake, R.E., Fenn-Moltu, G., Bertelsmeier, C., Brockerhoff, E.G., Hoare, R.J.B., Nahrung, H.F., Roques, A., Pureswaran, D.S., Yamanaka, T., Liebhold, A.M. (2022) Moths and butterflies on alien shores – global biogeography of non-native Lepidoptera. Journal of Biogeography, 49, 1455-1468. Link.

Bujan, J., Ollier, S., Villalta, I., Devers, S., Cerdà, X., Amor, F., Dahbi, A., Bertelsmeier, C.*, Boulay, R.*(2022) Can thermoregulatory traits and evolutionary history predict climatic niches of thermal specialists? Diversity and Distributions, 28, 1081-1092,  *equal contribution. Link

Gippet, J.M., George, L. and Bertelsmeier, C., 2022. Local coexistence of native and invasive ant species is associated with micro-spatial shifts in foraging activity. Biological Invasions24(3), pp.761-773. Link


Bates, O.K. and Bertelsmeier, C., 2021. Climatic niche shifts in introduced species. Current Biology31(19), pp.R1252-R1266. Link

Bonnamour, A., Gippet, J.M.W. & Bertelsmeier, C. (2021) Insect and plant invasions follow two waves of globalisation. Ecology Letters. Link.

Bertelsmeier, C. & Ollier S. (2021) Bridgehead effects distort global flows of alien species. Diversity and Distributions, Link.

Turner, R., Brockerhoff, E., Bertelsmeier, C., Blake, R., Caton, B., James, A., MacLeod, A., Nahrung, H., Pawson, S., Plank, M.J., Pureswaran, D., Seebens, H., Yamanaka, T., Liebhold, A.M. (2021) Worldwide border interceptions provide a window into human-mediated global insect movement. Ecological Applications, Link.

Liebold, A.M., Turner, R.M., Blake, R.E., Bertelsmeier, C., Brockerhoff, E.G., Nahrung, H.F., Pureswaran, D.S., Roques, A., Seebens, H. & Yamanaka, T. (2021) Invasion disharmony in the global biogeography of native and non-native beetle species. Diversity and Distributions. Link

Gippet, J.M.W. and Bertelsmeier, C., 2021. Invasiveness is linked to greater commercial success in the global pet trade. PNAS118(14). Link

Bertelsmeier, C., 2021. Globalization and the anthropogenic spread of invasive social insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 46, 16-23. Link


Bujan, J., Charavel, E., Bates, O.K., Gippet, J., Darras, H., Lebas, C. and Bertelsmeier, C., 2020. Increased acclimation ability accompanies a thermal niche shift of a recent invasion. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90, 483-491. Link

Bates, OK., Ollier, S., Bertelsmeier, C., 2020 Smaller climatic niche shifts in invasive than non-invasive alien ant species. Nature Communications. 5213  Link

Liebhold, Andrew M., Keitt ,Timothy H., Goel, Nikunj, Bertelsmeier, Cleo, 2020. Scale invariance in the spatial-dynamics of biological invasions. NeoBiota, 62, 269-277. Link

Bertelsmeier, C. & Ollier, S. 2020. International tracking of the COVID-19 invasion: an amazing example of a globalized scientific coordination effort. Biological Invasions. 22, 2647–2649. Link


Bertelsmeier, C. 2019. Les guerres secrètes des fourmis: sexe, meurtres et invasions territoriales. Editions Favre, Lausanne, 210p.

Gippet, J.M., Liebhold, A.M., Fenn-Moltu, G. and Bertelsmeier, C., 2019. Human-mediated dispersal in insects. Current opinion in insect science, 35, 96-102. Link

Schradin, C., Pillay, N. and Bertelsmeier, C., 2019. Social flexibility and environmental unpredictability in African striped mice. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology73, p.94. Link


Fernández-Manjarrés, J.F., Ruiz-Benito, P., Zavala, M.A., Camarero, J.J., Pulido, F., Proença, V., Navarro, L., Sansilvestri, R., Granda, E., Marqués, L., Temunovič, M., Bertelsmeier, C., Drobinski, P., Roturier, S., Benito-Garzón, M., de Cortazar-Atauri, IG., Simon, L., Dupas, S., Levrel, H. and Sautler, M., 2018. Forest adaptation to climate change along steep ecological gradients: the case of the Mediterranean-temperate transition in South-Western Europe. Sustainability10(9), p.3065. Link

Schradin, C., Hayes, L.D., Pillay, N. and Bertelsmeier, C., 2018. The evolution of intraspecific variation in social organization. Ethology124(8), pp.527-536. Link

Bertelsmeier, C. and Keller, L., 2018. Bridgehead effects and role of adaptive evolution in invasive populations. Trends in ecology & evolution33(7), pp.527-534. Link

Bertelsmeier, C., Ollier, S., Liebhold, A.M., Brockerhoff, E.G., Ward, D. and Keller, L., 2018. Recurrent bridgehead effects accelerate global alien ant spread. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences115(21), pp.5486-5491. Link

Fordham, D.A., Bertelsmeier, C., Brook, B.W., Early, R., Neto, D., Brown, S.C., Ollier, S. and Araújo, M.B., 2018. How complex should models be? Comparing correlative and mechanistic range dynamics models. Global Change Biology24(3), pp.1357-1370. Link

Bertelsmeier, C., Keller, L. and Gordon, E., 2018. Comment les fourmis ont colonisé la planète. La Recherche539(Septembre), pp.70-74.Link


Bertelsmeier, C., Ollier, S., Liebhold, A. and Keller, L., 2017. Recent human history governs global ant invasion dynamics. Nature ecology & evolution1(7), p.0184. Link

Blight, O., Josens, R., Bertelsmeier, C., Abril, S., Boulay, R. and Cerdá, X., 2017. Differences in behavioural traits among native and introduced colonies of an invasive ant. Biological Invasions19(5), pp.1389-1398. Link

Bertelsmeier, C., 2017. Functional trait ecology in the Anthropocene: a standardized framework for terrestrial invertebrates. Functional Ecology31(3), pp.556-557. Link

Buczkowski, G. and Bertelsmeier, C., 2017. Invasive termites in a changing climate: A global perspective. Ecology and evolution, 7(3), pp.974-985. Link

Courchamp, F., Fournier, A., Bellard, C., Bertelsmeier, C., Bonnaud, E., Jeschke, J.M. and Russell, J.C., 2017. Invasion biology: specific problems and possible solutions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution32(1), pp.13-22. Link


Bertelsmeier, C. and Ollier, S., 2016. Questioning Holocene community shifts. Nature537(7618), pp.E4-E5.Link

Hill, M.P., Bertelsmeier, C., Clusella-Trullas, S., Garnas, J., Robertson, M.P. and Terblanche, J.S., 2016. Predicted decrease in global climate suitability masks regional complexity of invasive fruit fly species response to climate change. Biological invasions18(4), pp.1105-1119. Link

Garnas, J.R., Auger-Rozenberg, M.A., Roques, A.,Bertelsmeier, C., Wingfield, M.J., Saccaggi, D.L., Roy, H.E. and Slippers, B., 2016. Complex patterns of global spread in invasive insects: eco-evolutionary and management consequences. Biological Invasions, 18(4), pp.935-952. Link

Bertelsmeier, C., Ollier, S., Avril, A., Blight, O., Jourdan, H. and Courchamp, F., 2016. Colony–colony interactions between highly invasive ants. Basic and applied ecology17(2), pp.106-114. Link

Bertelsmeier, C., Blight, O. and Courchamp, F., 2016. Invasions of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in light of global climate change. Myrmecological News22, pp.25-42. Link


Bertelsmeier, C., Avril, A., Blight, O., Jourdan, H. and Courchamp, F., 2015. Discovery–dominance trade‐off among widespread invasive ant species. Ecology and evolution5(13), pp.2673-2683. Link