The Swiss National Science Foundation has accorded the Swiss Postdoctoral fellowship 2021 to Lucie Aulus-Giacosa for the project “Does human-mediated species dispersal redefine global bioregions?”. Lucie will therefore remain in Cleo’s team for two additional years (1) to test if bioregions of ant species differ from vertebrates (birds, mammals, amphibians) and elucidate what determines the global boundaries of ant bioregions, (2) to test if potential novel bioregions in the Anthropocene are linked to human mobility, trade and environmental factors, and (3) to determine the consequences of species invasions at the global scale on functional diversity.

To that purpose, Lucie has got contacted by Sophie Gremaud a journalist of to talk about her project and the Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship, to emphasize projects about biodiversity that got funded by the SNF. Here is the link towards the article :