Cleo talking about “ant politics” on RTS with Nancy Ypsilantis (émission Chouette): Being anarchist, communist, socialist, royalist, liberal… ants have fascinated thinkers, philosophers and scientists from all political camps.
Cleo talking about lazy ants, explosive ants and the game of thrones in ant colony on France Inter.
Cleo and Sébastien published a paper about the international tracking of COVID-19 and how it could inspire collaborative efforts to monitor the spread of other invasive species. Read it here:
Cleo published “Les guerres secrètes des fourmis: sexe meurtres et invasions territoriales” (200p.) with Editions Favre (in English: Secret ant wars: sex, murder and territorial invasions”. This book is about conflict at all levels of organisation: male-female, among castes, between colonies and even species within the same community.