Lionel Benoit


At the University of Lausanne I worked on stochastic rainfall modeling. My main goal was to develop a stochastic model able to reproduce the space-time behavior of rainfall as observed at very high resolution (100m in space, 1min in time). In parallel I also investigated the influence of the regional climate on the observed space-time structure of local rain fields.

I left the University of Lausanne in february 2020 when I completed my PhD, but I continue to work on spatial statistics and therefore stay in touch with the GAIA Lab. You can find more information about my current research by visiting my personal webpage:


Since 2020: Stochastic simulation of orographic rainfall, SNSF Early PostDoc Mobility Fellowship.
2015-2020: Stochastic rainfall modelling, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland, PhD project.
2012-2014: Software development for low-cost GPS positioning, French mapping agency (IGN) and Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS), France.
2011: Adjustment of the French gravimetric network, IGN, France, MSc project.
2009 – 2011: MSc in geodesy and photogrammetry, Ecole Nationale des Sciences Geographiques (ENSG), France.


Benoit L, Vrac M, Mariethoz G (2020), Nonstationary stochastic rain type generation: accounting for climate drivers, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 2841-2854
Nussbaumer R, Benoit L, Mariethoz G, Liechti F, Bauer S, Schmid B (2019), A geostatistical approach to estimate high resolution nocturnal bird migration densities from a weather radar network, Remote Sensing, 11, 2233
Benoit L, Gourdon A, Vallat R, Irarrazaval I, Gravey M, Lehmann B, Prasicek G, Graff D, Herman F, Mariethoz G (2019), A high-resolution image time series of the Gorner Glacier – Swiss Alps – derived from repeated UAV surveys, Earth System Science data, 11, 579-588
Benoit L, Vrac M, Mariethoz G (2018), Dealing with non-stationarity in sub-daily stochastic rainfall models, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 5919–5933
Benoit L, Allard D, Mariethoz G (2018), Stochastic Rainfall Modeling at Sub-kilometer Scale, Water Resources Research, 54, 4108-4130
Benoit L, Mariethoz G (2017), Generating synthetic rainfall with geostatistical simulations, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, doi: 10.1002/wat2.1199
Lombardi D, Benoit L, Camelbeeck T, Martin O, Meynard C, Thom C (2016), Bimodal pattern of seismicity detected at the ocean margin of an Antarctic ice shelf, Geophysical Journal International 206(2), 1375–1381
Benoit L, Dehecq A, Pham H-T, Vernier F, Trouve E, Moreau L, Martin O, Thom C, Pierrot-Deseilligny M, Briole P (2015), Multi-method monitoring of Glacier d’Argentiere dynamics, Annals of Glaciology 56, 118-128
Benoit L, Briole P, Martin O, Thom C, Malet JP, Ulrich P (2015), Monitoring landslide displacements with the Geocube wireless network of low-cost GPS, Engineering Geology 195, 111-121
Benoit L, Briole P, Martin 0, Thom C (2014), Real-time deformation monitoring by a wireless network of low-cost GPS, Journal of Applied Geodesy, 119–128