On the “team” page of many academic websites, it is customary to find a photo with the PI of the research group surrounded by many supervised researchers, often in a relaxed outdoor setting. We believe that such a representation conveys an artificial image of a large group being a goal in itself, indirectly encouraging an attitude of seeking funding for its own sake. Instead, we prefer to show an image of a truly artificial crowd of PhD students that were synthetically generated with the Image Quilting algorithm (from this very interesting tutorial).

The GAIA lab is affiliated to the University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics (IDYST)
- Gregoire Mariethoz (Professor, UNIL) – Geopolis office 4875 (map).
- Marj Tonini (Senior researcher, UNIL) – spatio-temporal dynamic of environmental processes.
- Fabio Oriani (Postdoc, UNIL) – MPS, rainfall simulation, hydrology and hydrogeology – Geopolis office 4419 (map).
- Fatemeh Zakeri, (PhD Candidate, UNIL) – geostatistical simulation of remote sensing imagery – Geopolis office 3247 (map).
- Pau Wiersma (PhD Candidate, UNIL) – Hydrological modeling of snowy catchments – Geopolis office 3247 (map).
- Guanghui Hu (PhD Candidate, UNIL) – Statistical downscaling of digital elevation models – Geopolis office 3321 (map).
- Naomie Kayitesi (PhD Candidate, UNIL) – Land use and land cover changes and their impacts on hydrological processes – Geopolis office 3247 (map).
- Lucas Schmutz (PhD Candidate, UNIL) – Combination of multiple general circulation models – Geopolis office 3247 (map).
- Loïc Gerber (PhD Candidate, UNIL) – Hydrological modeling of large semiarid catchments – Geopolis office 3247 (map).
And the former group members.