Elisabeth Dahlqwist

Elisabeth completed her Master degree in Statistics at Uppsala University in 2014 and since 2015 she is a PhD student at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. The aim with her PhD is to develop methods for estimating the attributable fraction and is within the field of Causal Inference. Her supervisors are Arvid Sjölander and Yudi Pawitan.

In the spring 2018 Elisabeth is a visiting student at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (IUMSP) at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). The aim of the visit is to investigate the relationship between education and risk of cardiovascular disease.

[1] Dahlqwist E, Zetterqvist J, Pawitan Y, Sjölander A. (2016). Model-based estimation of the attributable fraction for cross-sectional, case-control and cohort studies using the R package AF. European Journal of Epidemiology 31(6), 575-582.
[2] Sjölander A,  Dahlqwist E, Zetterqvist J. (2016). A Note on the Noncollapsibility of Rate Differences and Rate Ratios. Epidemiology 27(3), 356-9.
[3] Dahlqwist E, Pawitan Y, Sjölander A. (2017). Regression standardization and attributable fraction estimation with between-within frailty models for clustered survival data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research.