October 2014 Web Issue

Here it is! We must confess that we have been waiting for it quite a long time. But it stands here in front of you, in all its glory: the first ever web issue of MUSE Magazine! As we have already stated elsewhere (the e-mails you have received, our Facebook page, etc.), we are really pleased with all the articles we have received and published. They reflect what the English department itself is all about: the articles are well written, serious and diverse (everything is analysed here, from music to movies to friendship!), but also show how curious and passionate the students of our department are.

Therefore it is with great pleasure that we invite you to browse through the website to discover all the surprises that this issue has in store for you. Here is the list of the articles published in this issue:

To finish this very short editorial, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that since this is a web issue, you will be able to post comments on the articles. Do not hesitate and let us know what you thought of the articles! It will help build a kind of community around MUSE, with both readers and authors interacting about the articles, which can only be great. For security reasons, we have decided that every person commenting for the first time would have to be moderated – but once this is done, you will be able to comment way more easily! (Be careful not to be rude or publish anything hurtful, though, as we would then be forced to set an end to the comments on the website, which would be a pity.)

Now that all is said and done, all you have to do is read! We hope that this Fall issue of MUSE will delight you, bring you new ideas or even makes you discover something that you may actually love without even knowing it.

Lots of love,

The MUSE Committee

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