Eccellenza Assistant Professor since August 2021.
About Me

I am a hydro-meteorologist, exploring the interactions between atmospheric and Earth surface processes. My research includes analyses and modeling of hydro-meteorological systems at different spatial-temporal scales, from local-to-regional scales and from minutes-to-decades, for past, present and future climates.
My areas of expertise include exploring climate change and climatic impacts on Earth systems and environmental processes and their uncertainties, downscaling climatic variables from regional to local scale using stochastic models, hydrological modeling of rural and urban environments, exploring short- and long-term response of landscape and fluvial systems to changes in climate, and analyzing large datasets derived from remote sensing devices, climate re-analysis products and models.
Research Interests
- Catchment and urban hydrology
- Climate change and climatic impacts
- Downscaling climate variables and uncertainty analysis
- Hydrological and climatic extremes
- Landscape evolution and fluvial processes
- Remote sensing of precipitation
- Stochastic modelling
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics (IDYST),
UNIL-Mouline, Geopolis, Office 3783
University of Lausanne,
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland