AGU new: Summer storms are stronger and more frequent over urban areas

EGU Blogs: Using rainy day temperatures to predict the future of 100-year downpours

PhD short course: Extreme value analysis and precipitation extremes
(May 28-29, 2024 at UNIL)
For more information about the course, please visit: https://www.unine.ch/phdschool-wes/home/extreme-value-analysis-2024.html

Cities shape the extreme rains that flood them
29/8/2022. An interview for heidi.news discussing the effect cities have on extreme rainfall and floods.

Cascading Hydro-geomorphic Processes and Compound Hazards in Mountainous Catchments
27/8/2022. Join our seminar in Padova, in-person or online. Details here:

How climate change and urbanization will affect floods in future cities?
11/11/2021. As part of climAct’s seminar series (live and recorded), we will present a short seminar on Monday, November 15th at noon.

How climate change affects extreme rainfall?
18/10/2021. An interview for UNIL’s Geoblog discussing the upcoming “Rainfall and Floods in Future Cities” project.

An eco-hydrological journey of 4500 years
10/9/2021. Our paper examining the relationship between precipitation and groundwater recharge around Jerusalem has just been published in Science Advances.