Ongoing projects

Rainfall and Floods in Future Cities
The overarching goal of the project is to improve the knowledge of how the magnitude and occurrence of floods will change in future cities following the changes that are foreseen to extreme rainfall events and intensities.
Assessment of pluvial flood-related physical climate risk (E4S)
The purpose of this project is to investigate the impact of climate change on extreme (convective) short-duration rainfall and floods in Switzerland using a statistical-physical approach.
Towards digitalization for sustainable and resilient agriculture: Climate change impacts on agricultural suitability in Switzerland (E4S)
We aim here to improve our understanding of how climate change can impact crop yields and food production in Switzerland by providing the first step toward digitizing the Swiss agriculture system.
Past Projects
- Sustainable future cities: monitoring urban ecosystem services (CLIMACT)
- Evaluation of future hydrological scenarios using a stochastic high-resolution climate data (Hydro-CH2018)
- Generation of very high-resolution climate scenarios for hydropower projection (SCCER-SoE)
- Weather radar-derived spatiotemporal characteristics of extreme rainfall intensities and their scaling with temperature