PhD student (doctoral assistant) since November 2021.
About me
I joined UNIL’s Hydrometeorology and Surface Process Group after graduating from Beijing Normal University with a Master’s degree in Physical Geography.
Under climate change and urbanization, extreme storms are likely to cause more flooding hazards and their impacts on humans and society. With the topic “Future changes in rainfall properties and their effects on urban flooding”, my Ph.D. research will be based on a geostatistics downscaled model to handle extreme storms, a Stochastic Storm Transposition model to advect the storms, and a distributed-hydrological model to examine the impact of extreme storm changes on future flooding in cities.
As a part of the project “Rainfall and Floods in Future Cities”, this work will also contribute to the understanding of urban modifications of heavy rainfall properties and the forecast of future floods in cities. With the scientific knowledge gained in this research, we will be able to reduce damages and mitigate urban flooding in the future.
- Zou, W., Yin, S., Wang, W., 2021. Spatial interpolation of the extreme hourly precipitation at different return levels in the Haihe River basin. Journal of Hydrology 598, 126273. https://doi.org/190%016/j.jhydrol.2021.126273.
- Li, Q., Zhou, J., Zou, W., Zhao, X., Huang, P., Wang, L., Shi, W., Ma, X., Zhao, Y., Xue, D., Dou, J.,Wei, W., Zhu, G., 2020. A tributary-comparison method to quantify the human influence on hydrological drought. Journal of Hydrology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125652
email: wenyue.zou@unil.ch
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics (IDYST),
UNIL-Mouline, Geopolis, Office 3141
University of Lausanne,
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland