On the impact of our research in Natural Hazards journals

Good news! The number of citations that we are receiving concerning Natural Hazards related journals is considerably increasing… For the past five years we have had the 2nd most cited paper in Natural Hazards journal (Springer)

We also obtained not bad results concerning Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences journal (Copernicus): have a look at the 4th and 5th most cited papers in the last five years

NATURAL HAZARDS: http://scholar.google.ch/citations?hl=fr&view_op=list_hcore&venue=PcS0bsTK_5IJ.2014 

NATURAL HAZARDS & EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE: http://scholar.google.ch/citations?hl=fr&view_op=list_hcore&venue=EKUCyVlF5DoJ.2014