Charlotte Wolff : Risk analyses of Cima del Simano mountain, Ticino, Switzerland

Charlotte Wolff

After working for one year with a company developping tools for UAV photogrammetry in Lausanne as QA software engineer, I decided to tackle a new challenge by starting a PhD with the RISK group analyses of ISTE, Unil Lausanne. With a background in both geology and geomatic (Sfm, geodesy, remote sensing), I will study the risks of landslides and rockfall on a specific area located in Ticino : the Cima del Simano mountain, by using and combining geological study and acquisitions with geomatic tools.

Starting date : September 2020

Directors : M. Jaboyedoff and M.H. Derron

Publications, projects and abstracts :

  • Abstract for EGU 2021 : Quantification of erosion rate in crop field gullies from point clouds with two different methods: the case study of Savigny crop field (North of Lausanne, Switzerland) by C. Wolff et al.
  • Abstract for EGU 2021 : 2D quantitative analysis of fractures from high-resolution photos for the geomechanical characterization of rock masses, by E. Wyser et al.
  • Abstract for EGU 2021 : Cross-Bedding and Structural Mapping for Rockfall Assessment of a Tunnel using Hi-Resolution LiDAR (Fribourg, Switzerland) by T. Choanji et al.

Links : UNIL, LinkedIn, Research gate

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