We are happy to welcome three new group members working on glacier modelling with the “Instructed Glacier Model” :
Kejdi Lleshi has a master in Geophysics obtained at Universite Grenoble Alpes, France, and did a master’s thesis in Grenoble on “Icequake localization using full wavefield time reverse imaging”. Kejdi starts his PhD on paleo glacier modelling using new Machine Learning emulation techniques.
Daniel Bonser has a master’s in physics obtained at the University of Exeter, UK, and did a master’s thesis on “Quantum Optimal Control to Decipher Avian Magnetoreception”. Daniel starts also a PhD in paleo glacier modelling that includes new ML acceleration techniques to explore long-time scales.
Samuel Cook has a PhD in Glaciology obtained from Cambridge in November 2020. Samuel got a 2-year-long postdoc from the faculty and will work on ML-aided inverse modelling to infer the basal conditions of glaciers, having spent the last two years working on data assimilation as a postdoc at IGE in Grenoble.