The ICE weekly group meeting takes place on Thursday at 12:15 pm in room 4623.
Please see below for upcoming speakers & events.
Dec 5: Audrey
Nov ? : Maxime
Nov ? : Kejdi
Oct 17: Guillaume
Oct 10: Tancrede
Oct 3: Aditi
Sept 26: Maxime
Sept 19: Brandon (coding good practices)
July 04: Thursday Lunch club, Rwandan Edition (Pontien)
June 27: Claire-Mathilde Stucki + Group BBQ
June 20: Rabiul Haque Biswas
June 13: Lunch
June 5: Wednesday lunch club, Albanian Edition (Kejdi)
Mai 23: Tancrède Leger & Guillaume Jouvet
Mai 16: Salome Oehler
April 25: Thursday lunch club, US Edition (Brandon)
April 18: (EGU)
April 11: (institute council) Practise EGU talks
April 4: Andreas Henz + Practise EGU talks
March 28: Miro by Brandon
March 21: Glacier goo experiment
March 14: (AGM)
March 7: Thursday lunch club, French Edition (Tancrède & Maxime & Audrey & Guillaume)
Feb 29: Samuel Cook
Feb 22: Audrey Margirier
Feb 15: Maxime Bernard
Feb 8: (institute council)
Feb 1: Josep Bonsoms Garcia, Universitat de Barcelona
Jan 18: Thursday lunch club, Indonesian Edition (Yuni)
Jan 11: Svenja Riedesel, DTU – Technical University of Denmark
Dec 14: Thursday lunch club, German Edition (Salome & Christoph)
Dec 7: Sarah Kamleitner, research update, Room 4623, 14:30
Nov 30: Margaux Hofmann & Faye Perchanok MSc project update, Room 3899, 12:15
Nov 23: Thursday lunch club, British Edition (Samuel & Georgina)
Nov 16: Kejdi Llheshi & Brandon Finley SGM presentation practice, Room 4623, 12:15
Nov 9: Group lunch, Room 4623, 12:15
Nov 2: Guillaume Jouvet “Overview of research projects in glacier modelling” Room 3799
Oct 31: Dinner @ Dong Fang, Lausanne – contact Samuel
Oct 26: March Leutscher, Institut Suisse de Spéléologie et de Karstologie (ISSKA)