Cycle de conférences – James Lamb

23.02.2023 – Conférence en bimodal et workshop en présentiel « Integrating digital technologies in my teaching within the new spatial dimensions of learning spaces ».

La conférence en bimodal simultané et le workshop en présentiel sont proposés dans le cadre du cycle de conférences et ateliers  Enseigner avec le numérique en questions animés par des spécialistes du domaine de la pédagogie et du numérique.

Critical Issues in Digital Education

A series of conferences and workshops led by experts in the field of digital education.

Jeudi 23 février 2023 à UniDistance, Brigue

James Lamb

James Lamb is a lecturer and researcher within the Centre for Research in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh.

His research is primarily concerned with the ways that digital technologies affect higher education learning spaces. He is a co-author of the Manifesto for Teaching Online and has also published work around multimodal assessment and feedback, and sonic methods within education research; James runs the Elektronisches Lernen Muzik project. He teaches postgraduate courses in the future of learning organisations, education and digital cultures, and learning spaces.

Read more about James’ work at


Integrating digital technologies in my learning spaces – Dr James Lamb, Dr Henrietta Carbonel


« Integrating digital technologies in my teaching within the new spatial dimensions of learning spaces »
Download presentation on Scribd:


« Provocations around digital technologies and education »


9:00 – Welcome & Coffee

09:30 – Conference – Aula ground floor and online
Conférence en bimodal simultané – Aula, rez et en ligne

« Integrating digital technologies in my teaching within the new spatial dimensions of learning spaces »

As digital technologies and pedagogies have become firmly established in higher education, new opportunities have emerged for online, asynchronous, and collaborative learning. In this session, I will demonstrate teaching approaches that take place within the collaborative whiteboard space of Miro. This includes asynchronous tutorials and poster exhibitions that adapt conventional classroom-based teaching in order to exploit the potentialities of online education.

Reflecting on my own experiences, but also with an eye towards relevant published research, I will propose ways of reconfiguring the spatial dimensions of education spaces to support online, asynchronous, bimodal, and collaborative learning.

La conférence est donnée en anglais en bimodal simultané. Ouvert à tou·te·s sur inscription; nombre de place limitées en présence.

10:30-10:50 – Break

10:50-12:20 – Workshop – Aula, ground floor
Workshop en présentiel – Aula, rez

« Provocations around digital technologies and education »

This session will take a crowd-sourcing approach as we collectively consider a series of provocations concerning digital technologies and university learning. Working in groups, but adding our ideas to a shared Miro space, we will respond to ideas around hybrid pedagogy, learning design and multimodality. To do this we will draw on our experiences and areas of practice, but we will also work speculatively and imaginatively as we explore new possibilities for digital education.

As the session unfolds, our contributions will see the Miro space evolve into a collaborative and practical resource that will last beyond the end of the workshop, in order that the emergent ideas can inform our own practice.

Le workshop aura lieu en anglais, sur place en présence. Nombre de places limitées, priorité aux personnes d’UNIL et UniDistance.

12:20 – Lunch
Repas de midi végétarien pour les personnes inscrites, préciser si autres restrictions alimentaires.

Infos pratiques


UniDistance Suisse
Schinerstrasse 18
3900 Brigue

Inscription obligatoire