Dario Carrea : Understanding landslide deformation from LiDAR data

Dario Carrea
Co-supervisors : Prof. Michel Jaboyedoff, Dr. Antonio Abellán, Dr. Marc-Henri Derron

Real landslides are complex bodies affected by spatio-temporal changes: while some areas are affected by progressive deformation, others areas are typically affected by sudden changes as rockfalls. Use of LiDAR techniques to monitor these complex phenomena is now well established.  However, challenge still remain in understanding landslides along 4D (X, Y, Z, time) from LiDAR data, which will lead to a better forecasting of the process.

My research focuses on the development and application of new tracking algorithms to quantify the real 3D deformation along slopes. Furthermore, my landslide research focuses on LiDAR point cloud processing and applications such as vegetation removal, registration, semi-automatic rockfall volume computation and  covers both analogue scale experiments and real case studies.

This research is funded by FNS project 144040 and FNS project 138015 in collaboration with the post-doc researcher Dr. Antonio Abellán.