Martina Böhme PhD defense

On March 20 2014, Martina Böhme defended her PhD in Trondheim at NTNU entitled “Spatial and temporal variability of rock slope instabilities and failures within western Norway” she has been supervised by Prof. B. Nilsen (NTNU), Prof. L. Blikra (Uni Tromsö), and Prof. M. Jaboyedoff (UNIL). She gave a presentation on “Complex landslides” and a second one on her PhD subject. She successfully passed the exams, by answering brilliantly to the questions of 3 opponents: Dr. A. Blais-Stephens, Dr. V. Kveldsvik and Prof. S.J. Lippard. Martina spends more than 3 months at UNIL in several stages to collaborate with our group, in particular Dr. Derron and Dr. Pedrazzini. We congratulate Martina for her excellent PhD. She has now a permanent position at the Geological Survey of Norway.