GeoQuebec 2015 and visit to ULAVAL

Martin Franz and Michel Jaboyedoff participated to the conference GeoQuebec 2015 – the 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, which held in Québec city from 22 to 23 September 2015. They presented two papers: one about the modelling of the tsunami generated by the Nicolet Landslide of 8 May 2006 and the second about the estimation of the failure surfaces and volumes of landslide based on simple geometrical methods. They participated to the very nice field trip in the Charlevoix after the conference.

In addition, both stayed one week more to collaborate with the team of Prof Jacques Locat at ULAVAL, with the project Parachute and to improve the simulation of Tsunami.

We must congratulate our colleague Prof Jacques Locat who received the 2015 CGS Legget Medal, which is the most prestigious Canadian Geotechnical Society award.