Maria Elena Fonticoba: Etude structurale et GPR de la région de Varneralp (Valais)

Maria Elena Fonticoba Co-supervisors: Prof. Michel Jayboyedoff, Prof. Dr. François Marillier Assistants: Andrea Pedrazzini, Jehanne Correia-Demand This work aims the understanding and characterization of a possible deep seated gravitational slope deformation in Sierre …

Maria Elena Fonticoba: Etude structurale et GPR de la région de Varneralp (Valais) Read More

Jacques Bechet et Julien Duc: Etude et quantification des processus et dynamique d’érosion à Draix

Jacques Bechet et Julien Duc Co-supervisors: Prof. Michel Jayboyedoff, Alexandre Loye Expert: Dr. Marc-Henri Derron The Roubine catchment located in the experimental research station of Draix (south French Alps) is situated in …

Jacques Bechet et Julien Duc: Etude et quantification des processus et dynamique d’érosion à Draix Read More

Stephanie Jaquet: Forest cover trends and landslides occurrence in selected areas, Dolakha District, Central Nepal

Stephanie Jaquet Supervisor: Prof. Michel Jayboyedoff Experts:  Dr. Marc-Henri Derron, Dr. Jane Carter The purpose of this thesis is to study forest cover changes and degradation trends as well as to make risk assessments …

Stephanie Jaquet: Forest cover trends and landslides occurrence in selected areas, Dolakha District, Central Nepal Read More

Marie Charrière: Granulometrical, geological and morphological description of the Frank Slide deposit (Alberta, Canada)

Marie Charrière Supervisor: Prof. Michel Jaboyedoff Expert: Ing. Geol. Corey Froese The Frank Slide (Alberta, Canada) is one of the rock avalanches which was the most studied throughout the History of the research …

Marie Charrière: Granulometrical, geological and morphological description of the Frank Slide deposit (Alberta, Canada) Read More

Florence Delasoie: Études des instabilités de versant de la Barmasse (Valais, Suisse) par une approche pluridisciplinaire.

Florence Delasoie Co-supervisors: Prof. Michel Jaboyedoff, Dr. François Baillifard Rapporteur: Prof. Jean-Luc Epard The DSGSD (Deep Seated Gravitational slope Deformations) phenomena occur in most mountainous landscapes. Despite this phenomen has been recognized …

Florence Delasoie: Études des instabilités de versant de la Barmasse (Valais, Suisse) par une approche pluridisciplinaire. Read More