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Violet-hue mood
The dim prospect of a burgeoning plant; it wreaks havoc.
Per se, the annihilation of Life.
Perpetual maze
I’ll go astray in your mazetic mellow heart, as you appease my bashful attempt to find myself in it.
More and more, as you unlock your heart, exposing yourself to colorful lies, creative manipulations or eloquent betrayals, you notice how only few trustworthy, loving and true people are worth fit in it.
However, never leave your confidence in life and love aside.
Be as proud as you could be of your success, but also of your failures.
Love short notes
A nip of affection shall be the epiphany of their connection.
Love begets love, which gloats in a million sparkles of hope.
He touched my scar as if it was the most precious little thing of the entire world.