Wednesday 27th September 2023 à UniDistance, Brigue
La conférence et le workshop en bimodal simultané sont proposés dans le cadre du cycle de conférences et ateliers Critical Issues in Digital Education animés par des spécialistes du domaine de la pédagogie et du numérique.
Critical Issues in Digital Education
A series of conferences and workshops led by experts in the field of digital education.
9:00 – Welcome & Coffee
09:30 – Conference – Aula ground floor and online
Conférence en bimodal simultané – Aula, rez et en ligne
« Hybrid Teaching and Learning in Theory and Practice »
This presentation addresses the notion of hybrid teaching and learning in theory and practice, focusing on how understanding and working with notions of hybridity might help us reimagine teaching and learning in a post-pandemic post-digital world. How can we understand the concept on hybridity building in theory, and what may it look like in practice? What pedagogical principles underlie these practices and what concrete pedagogical patterns can we put into action to hybridize our teaching and learning practices? And how might we design for future education in ways that center on pedagogical values and visions, opening up education and learning in, with and for the world in new ways?
This presentation focuses on
Knowledge about and insights into the concept of hybrid teaching and learning
Insights into concrete pedagogical principles underlying hybrid teaching and learning
Specific pedagogical patterns for how to engage with and integrate hybrid teaching and learning in ways that open up education and invite students to learn in, with and for the world
La conférence est donnée en anglais en bimodal simultané. Ouvert à tou·te·s sur inscription; nombre de place limitées en présence.
10:30-10:50 – Break
10:50-12:20 – Workshop – Aula, ground floor and online
Workshop en bimodal simultané – Aula, rez et en ligne
« Applying Hybridity Principles & Patterns: Ideating Hybridity in Teaching and Learning Practices »
Working together in online/onsite teams this workshop invites participants to engage with the core values, principles and patterns for hybrid teaching and learning developed in the EduPLoP16 Workshop, STAK Project and NorDiP Symposium. The aim for participants is to works with dimensions of hybridity to ideate ways to hybridize teaching and learning. To achieve this, the workshop will use Padlet along with digital value cards, hybridity principles and pedagogical patterns to allow participants to collaborate on a concrete initiative for hybridizing teaching and learning across onsite/online spaces.
Le workshop aura lieu en anglais.
12:20 – Lunch
Repas de midi végétarien pour les personnes inscrites, préciser si autres restrictions alimentaires.

Rikke Toft Nørgård is Associate Professor in Educational Design & Technology at The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, where she is also in member of the Steering group for the Centre for Higher Education Futures (CHEF).
She is elected board member of the international Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society (PaTHES) and elected board member of the national Danish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education (DUN) where she is also founder and co-leader of the national DUN-SIG on Digital Pedagogy & Learning in Higher Education.
Dr. Nørgård’s research and projects focus on the complexities, challenges and potentials of education, design, technology and philosophy in relation to the future of online, digital and hybrid higher education institutions and practices.
- Rikke Toft Nørgård –
Useful information
UniDistance Suisse
Schinerstrasse 18
3900 Brigue
Mandatory registration
Mandatory Registration