Framework for teaching

A study of the reference frameworks has identified the digital skills needed to teach and study at Swiss universities and colleges of higher education (HES/HEU). You can download below the document explaining the methodology applied, the digital skills reference framework for teaching and that for studying.

Document on working methods (in french)

In order to define a digital skills reference framework for teaching and student communities, we based ourselves on existing reference frameworks, DigComp and DigCompEdu, European reference frameworks for digital skills.

P8 Future University (2023), Méthodologie d’élaboration des référentiels de compétences numériques pour enseigner et étudier, Université de Lausanne et UniDistance Suisse

Digital Competence Framework for Teachers

This framework is largely based on the European DigComp Edu Framework : European Commission, Joint Research Center, Redcker, C. (2017). European framework for the digital competence of educators : DigCompEdu, (Y,Punie, editor), Publications Office

P8 Future University (2023), Digital Competence Framework for Teachers, Université de Lausanne et UniDistance Suisse

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