3D modelling the oak of Napoléon

The Risk group participed in a study conducted by researchers at the University of Lausanne whose results where published in Nature Plants .  Results reveal that the genome of oak Napoleon has evolved little during its first 234 years of existence.

The 3D modelling  was carry out using a LiDAR. Terrestrial LiDAR scans were taken around the oak every 60°. The six scans were cleaned from background objects and aligned in order to generate a 1.2 million 3D-points cloud. The mesh from the 3D points cloud was colourized to produce the final 3D oak model.

Sources: Nature PlantsLe Temps24HeuresNews Unil, Napoleome

Oak of Napoleon from our automatic camera along seasons:

Oak scanning:

3D-printed model of the oak:

Near-infrared image of the oak: