My major interest in SWISS100 is to investigate the interpersonal relationships of centenarians and their influence on psychological functioning.
Current Position
- Doctoral student in Psychology, Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Educational Background
- Master’s in Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
- Bachelor’s in Clinical Psychology, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon
Prior Experience
- Psychosocial intervention in alcoholism post-weaning sector, Foundation Le Torry, Fribourg
- Collaboration in the prevention project PA-TRAGEN (prevention of transgenerational alcoholism), FERARIHS-HEALTH, Villars-sur-Glâne
- Realization of tools (health quiz) regarding Alzheimer’s Disease for seniors, FERARIHS-HEALTH, Fribourg
- Social and psychological support for elderly with physical and/or mental disability in a home, association St. Camille, Marly
Research Focus
- The effect of Personality Traits on Relationship functioning
- Psychosocial Interactions
- Interpersonal relationships
Role in Swiss100
- Data collection in the French-speaking area
- PhD in Psychology, especially focusing on health and personality associates in Centenarians