Image: ©Amélie My-Linh Dauban / @amylinhda_drawings on Instagram
Author: Amélie My-Linh Dauban
If another tells me, what a woman should be
Sure my mind I will lose – and I have no excuse,
As it would be no use – for that no one would choose
A savage soul like me, untamed and wild and free.
I the hunter he the prey, I’m a storm a fox,
I, who’d rather be loved, not just for my body
But my soul ; I, who’d rather be strong than pretty,
An anomaly, really, quite unorthodox.
Yet I have caught feelings for you, and that flame flashes
Before my eyes. Fearful anguish overwhelms me
This love is like a dagger in my heart, truly
I’ll let it consume me, shall I become ashes.
But first, take my heart and soul and trust, have it all
It’s all yours. Will you be the one to bring my fall?