2024 – Spring

Ask-the-Students: What Crazy Invention Would Be Useful to Improve Your Time at UNIL?

MUSE asked students to anonymously submit their opinions* on what crazy invention would be useful to improve your time at UNIL. Here are the answers we got from them! Some are genius, some should just be common sense… Conclusion: students are tired.

*Replies have been edited for clarity.


A napping area with beds to take a nap in between lessons

something a bit like a coffee vending machine, but it gives anti-procrastination juice instead

A printing network that works and is straightforward to use

Sleep cabins for brief power naps, available for individual student use 20-30 minutes at a time, up to five times per semester 🤪🤪

Common evaluation grid for literature essays

it would be really cool to have an audio file for every class reading we have to do. This way we could just listen to the readings on the go, instead of rushing to read everything the night before because we forgot about it 🙈

Not exactly a crazy invention, but just more toilets at Anthropole. There have been too many incidents where all of the stalls on the same floor were occupied when I needed to use them. Not sure how it would be done logistically though

a super cheap meal option at the cafeteria. like it could just be the same pasta with the same sauce everyday. but it would be cheap, like 2 francs. i’d spend less time cooking without having to spend 10 bucks every day

Coffee machines and (accessible) microwaves on every floor

Caffeine pills for when you’re in a rush for class and don’t have time to drink coffee at the cafeteria :’)

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