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- Schilliger Z, Pavan T, Alemán-Gómez Y, Steullet P, Céléreau E, Binz PA, Celen Z, Piguet C, Merglen A, Hagmann P, Do K, Conus P, Jelescu I, Klauser* P and Dwir* D, Sex-differences in brain multimodal estimates of white matter microstructure during early adolescence: sex-specific associations with biological factors. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 2025. In press.
- Schilling KG, […] and Jelescu IO, Considerations and recommendations from the ISMRM Diffusion Study Group for preclinical diffusion MRI: Part 3 — Ex vivo imaging: data processing, comparisons with microscopy, and tractography. Magn Reson Med 2025. In press. A 50+ author initiative.
- Schilling KG, […] and Jelescu IO, Considerations and recommendations from the ISMRM Diffusion Study Group for preclinical diffusion MRI: Part 2 – Ex vivo imaging: added value and acquisition. Magn Reson Med 2025. In press. A 50+ author initiative.
- Jelescu IO, […] and Schilling KG, Considerations and recommendations from the ISMRM Diffusion Study Group for preclinical diffusion MRI: Part 1 — In vivo small-animal imaging. Magn Reson Med 2025. In press. A 50+ author initiative.
- Vrooman RM, van den Berg M, Desrosiers-Gregoire G, van Engelenburg WA, Galteau ME, Lee SH, Veltien A, Barrière DA, Cash D, Chakravarty MM, Devenyi GA, Gozzi A, Gröhn O, Hess A, Homberg JR, Jelescu IO, Keliris GA, Scheenen T, Shih YYI, Verhoye M, Wary C, Zwiers M and Grandjean J, fMRI data acquisition and analysis for task-free, anesthetized rats. Nature Protocols 2025.
- Hertanu A, Pavan T and Jelescu IO, Somatosensory-evoked response induces extensive diffusivity and kurtosis changes associated with neural activity in rodents. Imaging Neuroscience 2025. In press.
- Nguyen-Duc J, de Riedmatten I, Spencer APC, Perot JB, Olszowy W and Jelescu I, Mapping activity and functional organisation of the motor and visual pathways using ADC-fMRI in the human brain. Human Brain Mapping 2025; 46 (2), e70110.
- Liu X, Scherrer S, Egger S, Lim SI, Lauber B, Jelescu IO, Griffa A, Gambarota G, Taube W, Xin L, Rebalance the inhibitory system in the elderly brain: Influence of balance learning on GABAergic inhibition and functional connectivity. Human Brain Mapping 2024; 45(16):e70057.
- Kalantari A, […], Jelescu I, […] and Aswendt M, Automated quality control of small animal MR neuroimaging data. Imaging Neuroscience 2024; 2: 1–23. A 40+ author initiative.
- Pievani M, Ribaldi F, Toussas K, Da Costa S, Jorge J, Reynaud O, Chicherio C, Blouin JL, Scheffler M, Garibotto V, Jovicich J, Jelescu IO and Frisoni GB, Resting-state functional connectivity abnormalities in subjective cognitive decline: A 7T MRI study. Neurobiology of Aging 2024; 144: 104–113.
- Uhl Q, Pavan T, Feiweier T, Piredda GF and Jelescu I, Human gray matter microstructure mapped using Neurite Exchange Imaging (NEXI) on a clinical scanner. bioRxiv 2024.
- Spencer APC, Nguyen-Duc J, de Riedmatten I, Szczepankiewicz F and Jelescu IO, Mapping grey and white matter activity in the human brain with isotropic ADC-fMRI. bioRxiv 2024.
- Galteau ME, […] Jelescu I, […] and Grandjean J, Activation mapping in multi-center rat sensory-evoked functional MRI datasets using a unified pipeline, bioRxiv 2024. A 50+ author initiative.
- Pavan T, Steullet P, Aleman-Gomez Y, Jenni R, Schilliger Z, Cleusix M, Alameda L, Do KQ, Conus P, Hagmann P, Dwir D, Klauser P, Jelescu I, Associations Between Blood Markers of the GSH Redox cycle and Brain White Matter Microstructure in Psychosis. medRxiv 2024.
- de Riedmatten I, Spencer A, Olszowy W and Jelescu IO, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient fMRI shines a new light on white matter resting-state connectivity, as compared to BOLD. bioRxiv 2024.
- Mosso J, Briand G, Pierzchala K, Simicic D, Sierra A, Abdollahzadeh A, Jelescu IO and Cudalbu C, Diffusion of brain metabolites highlights altered brain microstructure in type C hepatic encephalopathy: a 9.4T preliminary study. Front Neurosci. 2024; 18:1344076.
- Uhl Q, Pavan T, Molendowska M, Jones DK, Palombo* M and Jelescu* I, Quantifying human gray matter microstructure using Neurite Exchange Imaging (NEXI) and 300 mT/m gradients. Imaging Neuroscience 2024; 2: 1–19.
- Pavan T, Aleman-Gomez Y, Jenni R, Steullet P, Schilliger Z, Dwir D, Cleusix M, Alameda L, Do KQ, Conus P, Klauser P, Hagmann P, Jelescu I, White Matter Microstructure Alterations in Early Psychosis and Schizophrenia. medRxiv 2024.
- Quattrini G, Pini L, Boscolo Galazzo I, Jelescu IO, Jovicich J, Manenti R, Frisoni GB, Marizzoni M, Pizzini FB and Pievani M, Microstructural alterations in the locus coeruleus-entorhinal cortex pathway in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2024; 16:e12513.
- Ligneul C, Najac C, Döring A, Beaulieu C, Branzoli F, Clarke WT, Cudalbu C, Genovese G, Jbabdi S, Jelescu I, Karampinos D, Kreis R, Lundell H, Marjańska M, Möller HE, Mosso J, Mougel E, Posse S, Ruschke S, Simsek K, Szczepankiewicz F, Tal A, Tax C, Oeltzschner G, Palombo M, Ronen I, Valette J, Diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy: consensus, recommendations and resources from acquisition to modelling. Magn Reson Med. 2024; 91: 860-885.
- Oliveira R, Raynaud Q, Jelescu I, Kiselev V, Kirilina E and Lutti A, In-vivo characterization of magnetic inclusions in the subcortex from non-exponential transverse relaxation decay. bioRxiv 2024.
- Provins C, Lajous H, Savary E, Fornari E, Franceschiello B, Alemán-Gómez Y, Thompson WH, Jelescu I, Hagmann P, Esteban O, Reliability characterization of MRI measurements for analyses of brain networks on a single human [Registered Report Stage 1 manuscript]. Nat Meth 2023.
- Diao Y, Lanz B and Jelescu IO, Subject classification and cross-time prediction based on functional connectivity and white matter microstructure features in a rat model of Alzheimer’s using machine learning. Alz Res Therapy 2023; 15, 193.
- Gardier R, Villarreal Haro JL, Canales-Rodrıguez EJ, Jelescu IO, Girard G, Rafael-Patino J and Thiran J-P, Cellular EXchange Imaging (CEXI): Evaluation of a diffusion model including water exchange in cells using numerical phantoms of permeable spheres. Magn Reson Med 2023; 90(4): 1625–1640.
- Grandjean J, Desrosiers-Grégoire G, […] Diao Y, […] Jelescu IO, […] Chakravarty MM and Hess A, A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain. Nature Neuroscience 2023; 26: 673–681. A 200+ author initiative.
- Jelescu IO and Fieremans E, Sensitivity and specificity of diffusion MRI to neuroinflammatory processes. In Imaging Neuroinflammation (Eds. C. Laule, J. Port, Elsevier 2023).
- Diao Y and Jelescu IO, Parameter estimation for WMTI-Watson model of white matter using encoder-decoder recurrent neural network. Magn Reson Med 2023; 89 (3), 1193-1206.
- Mosso J, Simicic D, Simsek K, Kreis R, Cudalbu* C and Jelescu* IO, MP-PCA denoising for diffusion MRS data: promises and pitfalls. NeuroImage 2022; 119634.
- Gardier R, Villarreal Haro JL, Canales-Rodrıguez EJ, Jelescu IO, Girard G, Rafael-Patino J and Thiran J-P, Microstructure estimation from diffusion-MRI: Compartmentalized models in permeable cellular tissue. arXiv 2022.
- Jelescu IO, de Skowronski A, Geffroy F, Palombo* M and Novikov* DS, Neurite Exchange Imaging (NEXI): A minimal model of diffusion in gray matter with inter-compartment water exchange. NeuroImage 2022; 256: 119277.
- Gatto RG, Jelescu IO, Vegh V, Editorial: Translatable Models and MRI Methods for Neurodegenerative Diseases. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2022; 16.
- De Matos R, Gheata A, Campargue G, Vuilleumier J, Nicolle L, Pierzchala K, Jelescu I, Lucarini F, Gautschi I, Riporto F, Le Dantec R, Mugnier Y, Chauvin AS, Mazzanti M, Staedler D, Diviani D, Bonacina L and Gerber-Lemaire S, Gd3+-Functionalized Lithium Niobate Nanoparticles for Dual Multiphoton and Magnetic Resonance Bioimaging. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022; 5, 2, 2912–2922.
- Kathe C, Michoud F, Schönle P, Rowald A, Brun N, Ravier J, Furfaro I, Paggi V, Kim K, Soloukey S, Asboth L, Hutson TH, Jelescu I, Philippides A, Alwahab N, Gandar J, Huber D, de Zeeuw CI, Barraud Q, Huang Q, Lacour SP, Courtine G, Wireless closed-loop optogenetics across the entire dorsoventral spinal cord in mice. Nature biotechnology 2022; 40:198–208.
- Olszowy W, Diao Y and Jelescu IO, Beyond BOLD: in search of genuine diffusion fMRI contrast in the human brain. bioRxiv 2021.
- Diao Y, Yin T, Gruetter R and Jelescu IO, PIRACY: An optimized pipeline for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2021; 15:285.
- Tristão Pereira C*, Diao Y*, Yin T, da Silva AR, Lanz B, Pierzchala K, Poitry-Yamate C and Jelescu IO, Synchronous nonmonotonic changes in functional connectivity and white matter integrity in a rat model of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. NeuroImage 2021; 225: 117498.
- Squair J, Gautier M, Mahe L, Soriano J, Rowald A, Bichat A, Anderson M, James N, Gandar J, Incognito A, Schiavone G, Sarafis Z, Laskaratos A, Bartholdi K, Demesmaeker R, Komi S, Moerman C, Vaseghi B, Berkeley S, Rosentreter R, Kathe C, Javier J, McCracken L, Kang X, Vachicouras N , Falleger F, Jelescu I, YunLong C, Li Q, Buschman R, Buse N, Denison T, Dukelow S, Charbonneau R, Rigby I, Boyd S, Millar P, Moraud EM, Capogrosso M, Wagner F, Barraud Q, Bezard E, Lacour S, Bloch J, Phillips A and Courtine G, Neuroprosthetic baroreflex controls hemodynamics after spinal cord injury. Nature 2021;590: 308–314.
- Ribaldi F, Chicherio C, Altomare D, Martins M, Tomczyk S, Jelescu I, Maturana E, Scheffler M, Haller S, Lövblad KO, Pievani M, Garibotto V, Kliegel M and Frisoni GB, Brain connectivity and metacognition in persons with subjective cognitive decline (COSCODE): rationale and study design. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 2021; 13: 1-8.
- Wachsmuth L, Mensen A, Barca C, Wiart M, Tristão-Pereira C, Busato A, Waiczies S, Himmelreich U, Millward JM, Reimann HM, Jelescu I, Marzola P, Pradier B, Viola A and Faber C, Contribution of preclinical MRI to responsible animal research: living up to the 3R principle. MAGMA 2021; 34: 469-474.
2020 and earlier
- Pievani M, Jelescu IO, Jorge J, Reynaud O, Andryszak P, Garibotto V, Jovicich J and Frisoni GB, In-vivo imaging of locus coeruleus integrity at ultra-high field: A feasibility study. Alzheimer’s and Dementia 2020; 16: e040835.
- Jelescu IO, Palombo M, Bagnato F and Schilling KG, Challenges for biophysical modeling of microstructure. J Neuroscience Methods 2020; 344: 108861.
- Dong JW*, Jelescu IO*, Ades-Aron B, Novikov DS, Friedman K, Osorio RS, Galvin JE, Shepherd TM and Fieremans E, Diffusion MRI biomarkers of white matter microstructure vary nonmonotonically with increasing cerebral amyloid deposition. Neurobiology of Aging 2020; 89 :118-128.
- Reynaud O, da Silva AR, Gruetter R and Jelescu IO, Multi-slice passband bSSFP for human and rodent fMRI at ultra-high field. J Magn Reson 2019; 305:31-40.
- Kunz N, da Silva AR and Jelescu IO, Intra- and extra-axonal axial diffusivities in the white matter: which one is faster? NeuroImage 2018; 181:314-322.
- Novikov DS, Veraart J, Jelescu IO and Fieremans E, Rotationally-invariant mapping of scalar and orientational metrics of neuronal microstructure with diffusion MRI. NeuroImage 2018; 174:518-538.
- Jelescu IO and Budde MD, Design and validation of diffusion MRI models of white matter. Frontiers in Physics 2017; 5:61.
- Jelescu IO, Zurek M, Winters KV, Veraart J, Rajaratnam A, Kim NS, Babb JS, Shepherd TM, Novikov DS, Kim SG and Fieremans E, In vivo quantification of demyelination and recovery using compartment-specific diffusion MRI metrics validated by electron microscopy. NeuroImage 2016; 132:104-14.
- Jelescu IO, Veraart J, Fieremans E and Novikov DS, Degeneracy in model parameter estimation for multicompartmental diffusion in neuronal tissue. NMR in Biomedicine 2016; 29(1):33-47.
- Veraart J, Fieremans E, Jelescu IO, Knoll F and Novikov DS, Gibbs ringing in diffusion MRI. Magn Reson Med 2016; 76(1):301-14.
- Koesters T, Friedman KP, Fenchel M, Zhan Y, Hermosillo G, Babb J, Jelescu IO, Faul D, Boada FE and Shepherd TM, Dixon sequence with superimposed model-based bone compartment provides highly accurate PET/MR attenuation correction of the brain. J Nucl Med 2016; 57(6):918-24.
- Jelescu IO, Veraart J, Adisetiyo V, Milla SS, Novikov DS and Fieremans E, One diffusion acquisition and different white matter models: How does microstructure change in human early development based on WMTI and NODDI? NeuroImage 2015; 107:242-56.
- Nargeot R, Radecki G, Jelescu IO, Le Bihan D and Ciobanu L, The functional imaging of individual neurons within complex networks. Med Sci (Paris) 2015; 31(1):15-17. [French]
- Jelescu IO, Ciobanu L, Geffroy F, Marquet P and Le Bihan D, Effects of hypotonic stress and ouabain on the apparent diffusion coefficient of water at cellular and tissue levels in Aplysia. NMR in Biomedicine 2014; 27(3):280-90.
- Radecki G, Nargeot R, Jelescu IO, Le Bihan D and Ciobanu L, Functional magnetic resonance microscopy at single-cell resolution in Aplysia californica. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014; 111(23):8667-72.
- Jelescu IO, Nargeot R, Le Bihan D and Ciobanu L, Highlighting manganese dynamics in the nervous system of Aplysia californica using MEMRI at ultra-high field. NeuroImage 2013; 76:264–71.
- Jelescu IO, Boulant N, Le Bihan D and Ciobanu L, Experimental demonstration of diffusion signal enhancement in 2D DESIRE images. J Magn Reson 2012; 218:44-8.
- Jelescu IO, Leppert IR, Narayanan S, Araujo D, Arnold DL and Pike GB, Dual-temporal resolution dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI protocol for blood-brain barrier permeability measurement in enhancing multiple sclerosis lesions. J Magn Reson Imaging 2011; 33(6):1291-300.