Conférence et atelier

"Interactive oral assessment"

Conférencière : Monica Ward

April 9th, 2024 in Brig (UniDistance Suisse)

Conference : on site and online
On-site Workshop

In english only

Measuring students’ learning has always been a challenge. But this challenge is amplified in remote learning environments, for large cohorts, and, more recently, with the widespread access to AI.

Dublin City University (DCU) has been using Interactive Oral Assessments to enable students to show their deeper understanding of a topic through authentic two-way conversations, in work-based scenarios.

Dr Monica Ward will share her experience with Interactive Oral Assessments, examples of how it has been used in different fields, and how they prepare assessors and students.


9:00 AM - Welcome

9:30 AM to 10:30 AM - Conference (bimodal - on-site and online)

This session will provide an overview of Interactive Oral (IO) assessments.
It will explain what they are and what they are not.  It will highlight some of the benefits of Interactive Oral assessments, along with some case studies.
This session will answer some of the most frequently asked questions on IO assessment.

10:50 AM to 12:20 PM - Workshop on-site only

This interactive (no pun intended) workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to learn more about IO assessments, including the logistical elements around IO assessments.  There will be an opportunity to experience an interactive oral assessment and reflect on what worked and what did not work.  No prior knowledge is assumed and all are welcome.

12:30PM - Lunch


Dr. Monica Ward is the Dean of Teaching at Learning at Dublin City University (DCU) and was formerly the Assistant Head for Teaching Excellence in the School of Computing.

She has extensive experience in teaching, learning and assessment across a range of subjects from technical modules to transversal skills modules.  She is a pioneer in the use of Interactive Oral assessment in Higher Education and also the use of technology in education.  She advocates a co-creation and culturally-responsive approach with academics and students

Dr. Ward dirige la réponse de la DCU à l’intelligence artificielle (IA) dans le contexte de l’intégrité académique et de la nécessité de renouveler les programmes d’études.  Elle représente la DCU auprès de Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), l’agence publique irlandaise chargée de promouvoir la qualité, l’intégrité et la réputation du système d’enseignement supérieur irlandais.  Elle représente également la DCU au sein du National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN) et du Irish Network for Gender Equality in Computing (INGENIC). 

She is currently leading a QQI funded project on Interactive Oral assessment as part of their Transforming Assessment initiative.

Dr. Ward est Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Authority (PFHEA) en raison de ses antécédents en matière de leadership stratégique efficace dans la pratique académique, de ses antécédents en matière de vision et de transformation de la pratique et des résultats.  Cela la place dans le top 1% des Advanced HE Fellowships au niveau international.

Useful information

April 9th, 2024

UniDistance Suisse
Schinerstrasse 18,
3900 Brig-Glis

Mandatory registration

This event is financed through the P8 Digitalskills project from Swissuniversities, held by UniDistance Suisse and the University of Lausanne.