D.Day 2007


Program D.Day 2007

8:00 Registration and mounting of posters, coffee and croissants
8:45 “Cellular responses to bacterial toxins”
Gisou van der Goot, Global Health Institute, EPFL
9:45 “Evolutionary conservation biology: the example of salmonids in Switzerland”
Claus Wedekind, Department of Ecology and Evolution, UNIL
10:45 Poster session 1 (odd numbers)
12:15 Lunch
13:45 “Chromosome dynamics in yeast and worms”
Susan Gasser, Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel
14:45 Poster session 2 (even numbers)
16:15 “New concepts in antiviral immunity”
Giuseppe Pantaleo, Division of Immunology and Allergy, UNIL-CHUV
17:15 Poster Awards – Apéritif

