Report an issue or ask a question I am a(Nécessaire) PhD student without a contract with UNIL PhD student funded by the SNSF PhD student on other funds Graduate assistant (assistant·e diplômé·e) First assistant (premier/première assistant·e) Maître assistant·e Maître d’enseignement et de recherche (MER) Junior or senior SNSF researcher Lecturer (chargé·e de cours) Other member of mid-level academic staff I am contacting you because I am facing the following issues(Nécessaire) PhD supervision Working conditions (overtime hours, pressure, etc.) Employment contract Residence permit Discrimination (race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, etc.) Research integrity Plagiarism or appropriation of your research Moral or sexual harassment Comportements inadéquats de l’entourage professionnel Other More specifically, I have been facing the following issue(s)I wish to be contacted for support and advice(Nécessaire) by email by phone I can be reached at the following number and/or email address(Nécessaire)All information will be treated as CONFIDENTIAL by Kelly Harrison, ACIDUL’s general secretary. Please note that anonymous requests or reports will not be processed. Δ