Group Leader
- Mauro CherubiniI am a Professor of Information Systems at HEC, University of Lausanne. Prior to joining HEC in 2016, I spent eight years in the industry. My last industry work was …
- Kavous Salehzadeh NiksiratI am a postdoctoral fellow (research scientist) in the PET and ISP Labs at UNIL-HEC Lausanne, where I work on addressing multiparty privacy conflicts in social networks. Before joining UNIL, I was working as a postdoctoral …
PhD Students
- James ArnéraI completed my Master’s in AI and Robotics at the University of Hertfordshire (UK) where I focused primarily on artificial life, human-computer interaction and affective robotics. I have always championed technology that empowers people …
- Lahari GoswamiI seek to capture the subtleties of people’s interactions with the world by designing meaningful experiences for them, such that they are life-enhancing. My goal is to empower people through …
- Alessandro SilacciI obtained a master of science in engineering degree at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, where I specialised in complex information systems. I mostly worked around data …
- Arianna BoldiI am a Ph.D. student in Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Torino (Italy). I study how technology affects the context of work and how workers perceive, use, …
- Pooja RaoI am a PhD student under the co-supervision of Prof. Mauro Cherubini and Prof. Dinesh Babu Jayagopi from IIIT Bangalore. My research interests lie in the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction …
- Sadiq AliyuI am a PhD student in the Department of Information Systems at the University of Lausanne, supervised by Professor Mauro Cherubini. My PhD research tackles the next frontier in social …
Research Assistants
- Jimi VaubienI graduated from EPFL with a Data Science Master degree. I’ve always been interested in maths and information technology. During my studies, I got particularly fascinated by artificial intelligence and …